Svetlana Luzanova


Bluz Opadayushih Listyev
Costume Design
Молодая библиотекарша Ксения, до недавнего времени решавшая свои многочисленные семейные и финансовые проблемы, в один день становится обладательницей наследства — огромной квартиры, счета в банке и нового Мерседеса, а вместе с этим множеством тайн и загадок. Ксения понимает, что в этой жизни просто так ничего не бывает... Шаг за шагом она приближается к разгадке, не осознавая, что над ней уже нависла угроза...
Mute Witness
Costume Design
Billy is mute, but it hasn't kept her from becoming a successful makeup artist. While in Russia, working on a film directed by her sister's boyfriend, Andy, Billy finds herself trapped in the studio one night and is horrified to see a snuff film being made. Billy escapes and, with the help of her sister, Kate, alerts authorities about what she saw. Unfortunately, in doing so, she makes an enemy of the Russian mafia, who funded the snuff film.
What a Wonderful Game
Costume Design
In a dormitory in 1951 four students prefer pranks to studying.
And Life, and Tears and Love
Costume Design
The life of the inhabitants of the veterans' house was boring and monotonous. Everything changed with the arrival of the new head physician, Varvara Dmitriyevna. Her kindness and sensitivity began to work miracles. After all, Varvara Dmitriyevna tries not only to treat the ailments of the elderly, but also to return to them their lost interest in life, the belief that one can still love and be loved...
Costume Design
A drama about a complicated life of a director in a small provincial theater.
Tears Were Falling
Costume Design
A beautiful man, husband, father and worker Pavel Ivanovich Vasin got into the eye with a shard of the mirror of an evil wizard. And the world for him appeared in a gloomy light. He began to insult and offend everyone at home and at work. Anger and suspicion overwhelmed Vasin's heart. Enemies, schemers and thieves are seen everywhere. Everywhere he sees intrigues and intrigues. In complete despair from the ineradicability of evil, Vasin cries bitterly... along with tears, the unfortunate splinter disappears...