Detective Ki
A by-the-book police officer is assigned to secretly investigate a team leader who believes that the rules shouldn't stop an investigation. As the officer investigates further, his own attitudes begin to mirror the team leader's.
Jeong Sang-hyub
A bullied teenager who is locked up at a juvenile detention center due to an unexpected accident, meets a mixed martial arts champion to break through his own limits.
Car Owner
A struggling director makes a desperate bid to dig into the urban legend about a film shot by a ghost, at the risk of her own life.
By an encounter with a wiry female lawyer So-hyun at the redevelopment protest site, a cold mobster JANG Se-chool decides to be ‘a good person’ as she advised. One day accidentally he saves people from a bus crash, becomes a hero of the city at a bound and it even leads him to run for the National Assembly. But his luckiest chance to be ‘a real good person’ is yet to come until the rival candidate Choi conspires with Se-chool’s enemy clan boss Gwang-chul.
Kyung-min lives alone in a one-room apartment. One day, she finds traces of a stranger breaking into her room and soon a mysterious murder case begins to unravel.
Lee Taek-gi
Through the course of their lives, a man and his first love are repeatedly separated from each other because of circumstances out of their control.
Assistant Director Jo
内田けんじ監督による2012年のコメディ「鍵泥棒のメソッド」を韓国でリメイク。ひょんなことから記憶喪失となり、売れない役者の人生と入れ替わってしまった伝説の殺し屋が巻き起こす奇想天外な物語をコミカルに描く。主演は「国選弁護人 ユン・ジンウォン」のユ・ヘジン、共演にイ・ジュン、チョ・ユニ。監督はイ・ゲビョク。完璧な仕事ぶりで裏社会にその名を轟かす伝説の殺し屋、ヒョンウク。ある日、銭湯で足を滑らせて頭を強打し記憶喪失となってしまう。偶然その場に居合わせた売れない貧乏役者ジェソンは、男が金持ちと思い込み、とっさにロッカーの鍵をすり替えてしまう。そうとは知らず、自分を売れない役者ジェソンと信じ込むヒョンウク。生来の完璧主義を発揮して俳優業にも真剣に取り組んでいくが...。
Dongdo, who is obsessed with movies, lives a satisfying life with friend-like mom, his only family. One day in high school, he befriends classmate Hyunseung and his bullying clique. Cigarettes and harsh words belch out of their mouths like smoke, and friendship engaging violence gradually draws him in. Meanwhile,his crush Yeonhee, a popular girl in the clique, has directions of arrows of admirers. Determined, he writes her a love letter, which discloses the arrow's potential and returns to him as a fear for violence.
北朝鮮の工作員として韓国に潜入していたジウォン(カン・ドンウォン)は、“影”と呼ばれる暗殺者(チョン・グックァン)と共にある指令を受ける。彼らは、国家の裏切り者である金正日の身内を葬ることに成功するが、国家情報員ハンギュ(ソン・ガンホ)に計画をかぎ付けられ包囲される。ジウォンは何とか逃げ切るが、その後再び長い潜伏生活を送ることになる。 『渇き』のソン・ガンホと『M(エム)』のカン・ドンウォンのW主演となった、男同士のきずなを描いた感動の人間ドラマ。北朝鮮のスパイと、彼を追う元国家情報員の宿命の対決と共に、彼らの間に芽生える深いきずなを描く。『映画は映画だ』でデビューを飾ったチャン・フンがメガホンを取り、敵同士でありながら次第に心を通わせていく男たちの悲しい現実に迫る。主演の二人の豪快なアクションもさることながら、その劇的な彼らの人生に胸が震える。