Steven Ito


ワイルド・スピードX3 TOKYO DRIFT
Space Station 3D
Stunt Coordinator
Some 220 miles above Earth lies the International Space Station, a one-of-a-kind outer space laboratory that 16 nations came together to build. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this extraordinary structure in this spectacular IMAX film. Viewers will blast off from Florida's Kennedy Space Center and the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Russia for this incredible journey -- IMAX's first-ever space film. Tom Cruise narrates.
Knox Thug
Ice Thug
“A FREEZE IS COMING!” すべてを氷づけにしようとする怪人Mr.フリーズがゴッサム・シティーに出現。事もあろうに、誘惑フェロモンと猛毒キスを武器にするポイズン・アイビーと手を組んだ! 対するバットマンも、ロビンとバットガールという味方を得て迎え撃つが!3代目バットマンに選ばれたジョージ・クルーニー、初登場のバットガールにアリシア・シルヴァーストーン、注目の悪役にはアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーら、豪華スターが共演。機能性がアップしたバットモービルや、より奇抜さを増したゴッサム・シティーなど、本シリーズならではの斬新なデザインも充実。
For Life or Death
Shadow Monk Fighter
A man named Kaan Woo (James Lew) is escaping his dark past, having been involved with a cult of brown shroud-wearing, druid-like monk warriors that have mystical powers. He apparently wanted out, because their evil queen, Ling Li (Nancy Kwan) has sent her servant, Sir Xavier (Richard Norton) to do her bidding - i.e., eliminate Woo. During a battle with the dark forces, Woo's soul is transferred into the body of homeless drunkard Earl Stockman (Mark Pellegrino). Now this bum is as surprised as anybody to find out he has mystical kung-fu abilities. Now "Superbum" must take on the evil cult and win the day.
Cage II: The Arena of Death
Mr. Chow
After being tricked into thinking his best friend, and caretaker is dead, Vietnam Vet, and mentally disabled person has no other choice but to enter The Arena Of Death!
Steel Justice
David Nash has lost his son and his will to live. But the boy appears in his dreams, as well as his Robosaurus toy ! A mythical figure will help Nash to turn the Robosaurus into a real creature in order to avenge his son's death.