クラスの中で浮いている高校生・宮下夕紀はある日、水族館のクラゲの水槽の前で同級生の篠原叶子に声をかけられ、そこで戸惑いながらも唇を重ねた。これを機に、二人は次第に心魅かれ合うようになっていく。 平凡な家庭に育つも、どこか日常への不満を抑えきれず、レンタルDVDショップの店長に身体を委ねたこともあった夕紀にとって、叶子はかけがえのない存在でもあった。しかし、常に孤独の闇を抱えている叶子は、そんな夕紀の想いを知りながら、突然クラスメイト平井からの告白を受け入れ、彼とのSEXに興じるようになる。 同時に、彼女が中学時代に妊娠して堕胎したという噂まで聞こえて来て、夕紀の心は激しく乱れ始めていき……。
High school student Sayaka Yamamoto enjoys gag comedy since she was a child. She decides to form a comedy duo with her friend Yui Yokoyama. They have been friends since middle school. They practice their skits diligently. One day, at the comedy club in high school, pretty Miyuki Watanabe, who is a transfer student from Tokyo, joins their club.
Yuria discovered the pleasure of tying herself up in her university days, and resumes the pursuit in order to relieve work stress. She starts a blog to describe the sensation of rope on her skin, and becomes acquainted with a cross-dressing bondage aficionado. Eventually, she grows bolder in practicing her hobby, and begins to wear bindings under her suit while at work.
Two high-school yankees (comic duo «Peace») accidentally travels in high-school days of their parents
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