Ralph Riach

Ralph Riach

出生 : 1936-01-01, Elgin, Scotland, UK

死亡 : 2022-03-20


Ralph Riach


The Party's Just Beginning
In a bleak Inverness midwinter, Luisaidh is careening off the rails after the suicide of her best friend. She medicates her misery with joyless sex, chips and a belief in the power of positive drinking. Surrounded by bittersweet memories, she struggles to find someone to talk to or some reason to make life worthwhile at the most stressful time of the year.
Grandpa's Great Escape
Mr. Willkins
Many years ago, Grandpa was a World War II flying ace, but sadly he is now suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When his family can no longer look after him, he is moved to Twilight Towers, an old people's home. It soon becomes clear that Miss Dandy is running Twilight Towers for her own ulterior motives, and it is up to Grandpa and grandson Jack to make a daring escape. Failure could have the direst of consequences, but success will give Grandpa a final chance to relive his past and take to the sky once again in his beloved Spitfire.
We're Doomed! The Dad's Army Story
John Laurie
Comedy drama about the beginnings of Jimmy Perry and David Croft's writing partnership and their struggles to get Dad's Army on the screen in 1968.
What We Did on Our Holiday
Jimmy Cazzarotto
Doug and Abi and their three children travel to the Scottish Highlands for Doug's father Gordie's birthday party. It's soon clear that when it comes to keeping a secret under wraps from the rest of the family, their children are their biggest liability...
クラウド アトラス
それぞれ時代も場所も違う6つのエピソードが入れ子状に関連しながら大きな物語を構成していくデイヴィッド・ミッチェルの同名小説を、「マトリックス」のウォシャウスキー姉弟と「パフューム ある人殺しの物語」のトム・ティクヴァ監督が、原作同様、エピソードごとにジャンルの違う語りで映画化した一大映像叙事詩。主演のトム・ハンクスはじめ、ハル・ベリー、ジム・ブロードベント、ペ・ドゥナら豪華スターたちが輪廻転生を象徴するように、各時代の登場人物を人種や性別を超えて演じ分ける大胆な配役も話題に。  1849年、南太平洋。青年ユーイングは、妻の父から奴隷売買を託され、船での航海に出るが…。1936年、スコットランド。ユーイングの航海日誌を読む若き作曲家フロビシャー。父に勘当され、天才作曲家のもとで曲づくりに悪戦苦闘する。その曲は、のちに幻の名曲と呼ばれる『クラウド アトラス六重奏』だった…。1973年、サンフランシスコ。巨大企業の汚職を追及する女性ジャーナリスト、ルイサは、会社が放った殺し屋に命を狙われるが…。2012年、イングランド。著書を酷評した評論家を殺害した作家ホギンズ。彼の自伝は大ヒットし、出版元の編集者は大儲けとなるが…。2144年、ネオ・ソウル。そこは遺伝子操作によって複製種が作られ、人間のために消費される社会。複製種の少女ソンミ451は自我に目覚め、反乱を企てるが…。そして遥か未来、文明がすっかり崩壊した地球。ある羊飼いの男のもとを、進化した人間コミュニティからやって来た一人の女が訪ねるが…。6つのエピソードは並行して描かれ、やがて怒濤のクライマックスへと突き進んでいく。
Is Anybody There?
A young boy who lives in an old folks' home strikes up a friendship with a retired magician.
Death Defying Acts
Mr. Robertson
On a tour of Britain in 1926, Harry Houdini enters into a passionate affair with a psychic out to con the famous magician.
Low Winter Sun
Mister Gillot
Frank Agnew is a police detective who kills for revenge and naively believes he's engineered the perfect crime.
Copying Beethoven
Wenzel Schlemmer
A fictionalised exploration of Beethoven's life in his final days working on his Ninth Symphony. It is 1824. Beethoven is racing to finish his new symphony. However, it has been years since his last success and he is plagued by deafness, loneliness and personal trauma. A copyist is urgently needed to help the composer. A fictional character is introduced in the form of a young conservatory student and aspiring composer named Anna Holtz. The mercurial Beethoven is skeptical that a woman might become involved in his masterpiece but slowly comes to trust in Anna's assistance and in the end becomes quite fond of her. By the time the piece is performed, her presence in his life is an absolute necessity. Her deep understanding of his work is such that she even corrects mistakes he has made, while her passionate personality opens a door into his private world.
The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyle
What led Arthur Conan Doyle to create, and then destroy the world famous detective, Sherlock Holmes? This compelling drama explores the dark secrets that surround the author and his creation.
One Last Chance
Mr. Murray
A group of slackers think they have found gold in the Highlands.
The House of Mirth
Lord Hubert Dacy
A woman risks losing her chance of happiness with the only man she has ever loved.
The Governess
Mr. Hewlett
When the father of privileged Rosina da Silva violently dies, she decides to pass herself off as a gentile and finds employment with a family in faraway Scotland. Soon she and the family father, Charles, start a passionate secret affair.
Dangerous Beauty
Lorenzo Gritti
Veronica is brilliant, gifted and beautiful, but the handsome aristocrat she loves, Marco Venier, cannot marry her because she is penniless and of questionable family. So Veronica's mother, Paola, teaches her to become a courtesan, one of the exotic companions favored by the richest and most powerful Venetian men. Veronica courageously uses her charms to change destiny -- and to give herself a chance at true love.
Ramsey MacDonald
Jonathan Cake, Jemma Redgrave and Hugh Bonneville lead an outstanding cast in this mini-series tracing the turbulent political career and tempestuous private life of Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists during the 1930s. The mini series charts Mosley's rise to political notoriety through his personal life – from youthful rising star of the Conservative Party to potential leader of the Labour Party, and later abandonment of conventional party politics to become a figurehead of burgeoning fascism.
Priest No. 1
The Long Roads
Dr. Sutherland
An elderly woman learns that she is dying of cancer. She and her husband leave their small farm on the Isle of Skye to visit their children to inform them of the news. During the journey, the couple rediscover their love for each other.
The Big Man
Laundry Manager
An unemployed Scottish miner is forced into bare-knuckle boxing to make ends meet.
Changing Step
Fr Maxwell
Spring 1917: the privileged world of Sorn Castle is upside down, its stately rooms full of amputees from the Western Front. While the local aristocracy makes a first attempt at nursing, a romance blossoms.