Monson Douglas


Boom Operator
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
カモン カモン
Boom Operator
NYでラジオジャーナリストとして1人で暮らすジョニーは、妹から頼まれ、9歳の甥・ジェシーの面倒を数日間みることに。LAの妹の家で突然始まった共同生活は、戸惑いの連続。好奇心旺盛なジェシーは、ジョニーのぎこちない兄妹関係やいまだ 独身でいる理由、自分の父親の病気に関する疑問をストレートに投げかけ、ジョニーを困らせる一方で、ジョニーの仕事や録 音機材に興味を示し、二人は次第に距離を縮めていく。仕事のため NYに戻ることになったジョニーは、ジェシーを連れて行く ことを決めるが...
Salton Sea
Boom Operator
Hoping to convince his wife that a promotion across the country could change their lives, Brian takes her on a trip to a faded resort town where they once honeymooned. Here, Brian is forced to examine his own marriage, fears, and integrity.
Salton Sea
Sound Recordist
Hoping to convince his wife that a promotion across the country could change their lives, Brian takes her on a trip to a faded resort town where they once honeymooned. Here, Brian is forced to examine his own marriage, fears, and integrity.
Sam Did It
Boom Operator
Sam gets the chance to meet his celebrity idol. The only problem is that Sam works in a morgue and his idol is dead.
To The Moon
Boom Operator
A coming to age adventure of 17 year old Gia Rose who is faced with a decision to make about who she is trying be versus who she really is.
To The Moon
Sound Mixer
A coming to age adventure of 17 year old Gia Rose who is faced with a decision to make about who she is trying be versus who she really is.
The Thing About Us
Sound Mixer
How do you remain friends with someone you used to love? Maybe a desert road trip together is not the best place to start.