Cindy Jo Hinkleman


Bank Teller / Radio Voice
Trapped in a maze of endless desert highways, bound by a vital deadline, and pursued by an unseen menace....Jeremy Stanton is about to take the longest ride of his life. He will learn that when you reach the crossroads of must be careful which way you turn.
Slap Her... She's French
Dialogue Editor
Welcome to Splendona High School, Texas, where football players, cheerleaders and beauty queens rule the hallways. And Starla Grady, the most popular girl in school, is on top of it all. That is, at least until Genevieve LePlouff, a French foreign exchange student arrives and turns her life upside down.
Better Luck Tomorrow
Dialogue Editor
A group of over-achieving Asian-American high school seniors enjoy a power trip when they dip into extra-curricular criminal activities.
Assistant Sound Editor
ADR Editor
トリッシュと彼女の弟のダリーは車でアメリカを渡ります。単調さは彼らの継続的な議論によってのみ破られる長く退屈な旅です。 突然、彼らは不思議なキャラクターが大きな下水道に死体を投げ込む放棄された教会を発見します。 その瞬間から、彼らは恐ろしい脱出を開始し、想像できる最も致命的な生き物の一人によって追跡されます。
First Assistant Sound Editor
相棒と女房に裏切られ、背中から銃で撃たれた男――ポーター。飲んだくれのヤブ医者の治療により瀕死の状態からどうにか蘇った。5か月の治療で背中の傷は癒えたが、心の傷は一向に癒える気配がない。それを癒す術は、裏切った相棒と女房への復讐、そして奪われた7万ドルを取り戻すことだけだった。 ポーターは怒りを胸に秘め街を徘徊し、非合法な手段で瞬く間に小金と銃を手に入れる。彼はただ、本来自分の取り分だったはずの7万ドルを取り返したいだけだ。しかし、復讐のためには手段を選ばないポーターの常軌を逸した行動は、様々な人間の思惑を巻き込み、事態を最悪の方向へ加速させていくのであった。
Assistant Sound Editor
ニューヨークのロー・スクールに通うマイクはある日、少しずつ貯めたポーカーの賞金3万ドルをテディーKGBとの対戦で一気に失ってしまう。恋人ジョーの説得もあって、マイクはこれを機にポーカーから足を洗って法律の勉強に専念することを決意する。 しかし、友人でギャンブラーのワームの出所を境にこの決意は崩れ、マイクは闇賭博のポーカーの世界へ引き込まれていく。
Assistant Sound Editor
When his SUV breaks down on a remote Southwestern road, Jeff Taylor lets his wife, Amy, hitch a ride with a trucker to get help. When she doesn't return, Jeff fixes his SUV and tracks down the trucker -- who tells the police he's never seen Amy. Johnathan Mostow's tense thriller then follows Jeff's desperate search for his wife, which eventually uncovers a small town's murderous secret.
Deathrow Gameshow
Spaz Girl
Chuck Toedan's the host of a gameshow featuring death row convicts competeing in life-or-death contests in hopes of cheating the executioner or, at the very least, winning some nice prizes for their next of kin. Not surprisingly, Chuck has made more than a few enemies, from outraged viewers trying to ban his show, to families of losing contestants looking for revenge. A hitman hired by one such family has shown up at Chuck's office, and he'll need to enlist the help of his most outspoken critic to keep from ending up like most of his contestants.