Bedri Çavusoglu

Bedri Çavusoglu


Bedri Çavusoglu


İntikam Uğruna
Sedat is a taxi driver. One night he helps robber without knowing. Then he is arrested in despite of his innocence. When he gets out from prison he takes an oath to revenge but one woman changes everything.
Tehlikeli Adımlar
Ayşecik Çıtı Pıtı Kız
Aysecik, who comes to Istanbul, is abandoned by her stepfather in the middle of the road. However, Turist Omer will appear and they will participate in the song contest together.
Kadın Berberi
Lale is the only daughter of a wealthy family and inherits all her parents' money and property. On a boat tour, she meets Erol the hair dresser. In the beginning they feel attracted to each other but all this ends as she belittles him for his job. Erol's customers are all his fans. Lale calls Erol home, introducing her maid Suna as the landlady while she takes the role of a pedicurist. Erol and Lale get together again yet this time her cousin Cemil wants to marry her to share her wealth. Cemil tells Erol about it so, he leaves Lale. Cemil and his mother make a plot to kill Lale. Luckily Suna has been eavesdropping and informs Erol right away. Erol reaches home just before Cemil poisons Lale and saves her. The police arrest Cemil. Cemil's mother drinks the poisoned milk, which she has prepared for Lale. In the end Lale and Erol, Suna and Erol's friend Tayfur marry.
Police (uncredited)
ソビエト連邦情報機関の最高幹部会議は、西側の情報機関に打撃を与えるため、スメルシュの手によってイギリス秘密情報部の情報部員ジェームズ・ボンドをはずかしめて殺すことに決定した。チェスのモスクワ選手権タイトル保持者でスメルシュ企画課長のクロンスティーンが立てた計画に基づき、第2課長ローザ・クレッブ大佐は、タチアナ・ロマノーヴァ伍長を囮に仕立てた。 ボンドに夢中になったソ連職員タチアナが、暗号解読器「スペクター」を手土産に亡命を望んでいるという連絡が入り、ボンドはイスタンブルへ派遣された。首尾よくタチアナと解読器を確保したボンドは、夫婦を装いオリエント急行に乗り込んで国外脱出を図るが、そこにはスメルシュの放った刺客グラントが待っていた。
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