Youssef Hamid

Youssef Hamid


Youssef Hamid


Wadi Haddad
The incredible true story of Lufthansa Flight 181, which was hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in October of 1977, and the noble efforts of stewardess Gabriele Dillmann (Nadja Uhl) to ensure the safety of the terrified passengers throughout the harrowing ordeal. When terrorists sympathetic to the cause of the German Red Army Faction seize control of the flight, German chancellor Helmut Schmidt refuses to negotiate. Meanwhile, terrorist leader "Captain Martyr Mahmud" grows increasingly agitated, and the Yemeni government refuses to let the plane land on their soil. After Captain Schumann (Thomas Kretschmann) makes an emergency landing in the sand, he is brutally executed in front of the passengers by "Captain Martyr Mahmud" (Said Taghmaoui), who then forces the co-pilot to fly the plane to Somolia. Once there, counter terrorism measures quickly get underway as the passengers brace themselves for the worst.
OSS 117 私を愛したカフェオーレ
Secret agent OSS 117 foils Nazis, beds local beauties, and brings peace to the Middle East.
 同年同日に生まれた二人のベロニカという名の女性の幻想的なラブ・ストーリー。ポーランドとフランスに、お互いに名前・顔・音楽の才能までもが同じベロニカという二人の女性がいた。ある日ポーランドのベロニカが舞台の上で倒れ死んでしまう。一方、フランスのベロニカは情熱的な恋人と出会い、やがて偶然からもう一人のベロニカの存在に気付く。彼女はポーランドへ旅立つが……。舞台上で息絶えたシーンでの曲がフランスのベロニカが恋人と出会うシーンでも使われたりと、音楽が映画を効果的に引っ張っている。ベロニカを透明感あふれる二役で演じたイレーヌ・ジャコブは、この映画でカンヌの主演女優賞を受賞した。97年に没したキエシロフスキー監督の代表作の一本。 <allcinema>
Tunisian Customer
The film begins in a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a young age. The film uses flashbacks throughout and there are frequent parallels drawn with the past. We are unsure what Antoine has done with his life, however we know he has fulfilled his childhood ambition, to marry a haidresser.
Slices of Life
A series of humorous sketches on life: "A Night to Remember", "Summit Showdown", and "A Book? That's personal!"