Thierry de Carbonnières

出生 : , Paris, France


Grazie ragazzi
Original Film Writer
An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."
Avocat de l'AMA
Patrick is a tenacious lawyer specializing in environmental law. France is a schoolteacher who becomes an activist after her husband develops cancer from exposure to a pesticide. Mathias is an ambitious lobbyist working for an international chemical corporation. The paths of these characters collide as the lives of thousands are affected by a tragic act that sparks a powerful movement while the corporation fights to prevent the truth from being revealed.
Etienne, an often out of work but endearing actor, runs a theater workshop in a prison, where he brings together an unlikely troupe of prisoners to stage Samuel Beckett’s famous play Waiting for Godot. When he is allowed to take the colorful band of convicts on a tour outside of prison, Etienne finally has the chance to thrive.
Quelques jours entre nous
Père Clara
Three siblings lose both their parents after a terrible accident, after which their lives are forever changed. Vincent, the middle child, has to assume a lot of responsibility, not the least of which is his younger sister Alice. He must also give up his architecture course in order to work for his uncle's construction firm. The two adjust, and their life goes pretty well before it is again turned upside down when their older brother Thomas, who had been in Brazil for a couple of years, returns and upsets the current order.
 同年同日に生まれた二人のベロニカという名の女性の幻想的なラブ・ストーリー。ポーランドとフランスに、お互いに名前・顔・音楽の才能までもが同じベロニカという二人の女性がいた。ある日ポーランドのベロニカが舞台の上で倒れ死んでしまう。一方、フランスのベロニカは情熱的な恋人と出会い、やがて偶然からもう一人のベロニカの存在に気付く。彼女はポーランドへ旅立つが……。舞台上で息絶えたシーンでの曲がフランスのベロニカが恋人と出会うシーンでも使われたりと、音楽が映画を効果的に引っ張っている。ベロニカを透明感あふれる二役で演じたイレーヌ・ジャコブは、この映画でカンヌの主演女優賞を受賞した。97年に没したキエシロフスキー監督の代表作の一本。 <allcinema>
Gallant Ladies
La Troupe des Gelosi
Despite being busy with his profession of soldiery, Brantome manages to find much more time for amorous dalliances with the ladies of the 16th-century French court than for battles. Unfortunately for him, his true love, Victoire, is beyond his reach most of the time. He more than compensates for this in the arms of others.
Le môme
Jean-Pierre Charki
In this action thriller, Richard Anconina is Willie, a young and lonesome cop who loves lonesome cowboy music. While on a drug case Willie comes across a mulatta named Jo (model Ambre of Senegalese extraction), who is trapped in a dismal life of prostitution by two abusive Lebanese brothers. Risking his own life, Willie frees Jo from their fierce imprisonment, but the battered woman runs right back again.
Brigade of Death
Gérard Lattuada
A crime ring is kidnapping women to sell them to the harems of rich Emirs, but the Vice squad put an end to it.