Audrey attempts to stop her brother from marrying a young French woman during their rescheduled wedding weekend in the Hamptons, which happens to be the same weekend she turns 40.
Jana Calbert (Belgian Wife)
昼はホームセンターの従業員。夜は世の悪人を葬る仕事請負人。二つの顔を合せ持ち、19秒で世の不正を抹消するイコライザーことロバート・マッコールが帰ってきた。日米でスマッシュヒットとなった前作『イコライザー』から4年、昼はタクシードライバーとして働く今作でも、彼の仕事の流儀は変わらない。世の不正を裁くのに必要な時間は19秒。身の回りのモノを武器に変えて完全抹消。報酬はなし。 しかし、無双の戦闘スキルで仕事を完遂してきたイコライザーに、その流儀さえも脅かす最大の難関が訪れる。何故ならば、今度の敵は自分と同じ特殊訓練を受けた《イコライザー》だった―。
The honeymoon is definitely over for newlyweds Nelson and Todd in the fifth season of this hit worldwide comedy mystery series when one of the grooms vanishes without a trace from a male only clothing optional resort only to turn up after an intense manhunt with a shocking confession! This time around America’s favorite gay bears find themselves thrust into a dangerous world of international intrigue chasing clues that take them to the non-stop party town of Palm Springs to the Downtown LA hipster bar scene and ultimately to a wild west shoot-em-up showdown in a deserted ghost town right in the heart of Mexico!
Playground politics soon boil over when Paul and Kate excitedly arrive for dinner at the home of a cool couple from their kids’ school, only to discover an interloping third couple already in attendance.