Paolo Perin


Paolo Perin works as electrician and key grip for film and television productions.


Disappearance at Clifton Hill
Key Grip
Following the death of her mother, a young woman returns home to Niagara Falls and becomes entangled in the memory of a kidnapping she claims to have witnessed as a child.
ラプチャー ―破裂―
Key Grip
蜘蛛が嫌いなシングルマザーのレネーは突如、見知らぬ男達に拉致される。 謎の隔離施設で目覚めた彼女を待っていたのは、被験者に“生きている中で一番嫌いな物"を与え続ける人体実験。 実験を行っているのは、人の姿をしているが、まるで感情が読み取れない奇妙な者たち。 拘束され、動けない状態での執拗なまでの“蜘蛛攻め"の果て、レネーの体は驚愕の変化を見せ始める―。 この異様すぎる実験は一体、誰が何のために行っているのか―?
Best Boy Grip
A businesswoman finds herself locked with a unhinged security guard in a parking garage after getting stuck working late on Christmas Eve.
Camera Intern
A man is asked by his parents to run an apartment complex they own and becomes acquainted with an intriguing hippie girl and various other people from all walks of life who live there.