Son Yeo-eun

Son Yeo-eun

出生 : 1983-08-04, Busan, South Korea


Son Yeo-eun
Son Yeo-eun


The Devil's Deal
Hae-woong, an assembly member candidate, is taken out of the running because he became a thorn in the side of a local bigwig, Sun-tae. Hounded by loan sharks, due to defaulting a campaign loan, he decides to get his hands dirty. He steals classified government’s information about an urban development plan and obtains the help of a local gang leader, Pil-do, by promising hefty real estate profit. Now Hae-woong re-enters the race and tries to take revenge on Sun-tae. Unbeknownst to him, his messy journey through politics has only just begun.
Be With You ~いま、会いにゆきます
日本でも竹内結子&中村獅童の主演で映画化されて大ヒットを記録した市川拓司のベストセラー小説「いま、会いにゆきます」を韓国で再映画化。「私の頭の中の消しゴム」「四月の雪」などの純愛映画で日本でも広く知られるソン・イェジンと、「王の運命(さだめ) 歴史を変えた八日間」「映画は映画だ」のソ・ジソブが主演を務めた。夫のウジンに「雨の降る日に、また戻ってくる」という約束を残してこの世を去った妻のスア。それから1年後の梅雨が始まったある日、ウジンの前に、この世を去る前と変わらない姿でスアが現れる。しかし、彼女は記憶を失っており、ウジンが誰なのかさえ覚えていない。それでもウジンは、スアがそばにいることに幸せを感じ、2人は再び恋に落ちるのだが……。
The Sheriff In Town
After he leaves the police force, Dae-ho establishes himself as the sheriff of his town. He then investigates Jong-jin, a businessman, because of his alleged ties to drugs.
My Happy Home
Yoon Se Jung
Genius scientist Sejeong lives with her cyborg husband Sungmin. She erased Sungmin’s memories and inputted new customized memories and information of her choosing, so she is able to enjoy a blissful marriage. Then someone Sejeong and Sungmin knew before he became a cyborg starts coming to their home. This person tries to correct Sungmin’s distorted memories while Sejeong tries to stop her. Sungmin, in the meantime, starts lying like a human being. What happened before Sungmin was turned into a cyborg?
Coin Locker
Yeon feels that she is living a crazy life in hell. Her husband, Sang-Pil, treats her as an object for violence and her life suffers because of her husband's debt. Her last hope is that she can start to live in New Zealand with her only child who is autistic. But Sang-Pil's debt ties her down when she tries to leave Korea. So she decides to prostitute to pay the debt and leaves her child in a Coin Locker. Now, it’s the last night before she will leave Korea…
Yoon Myung-hyo
In a prep-class for year-end exams, a sadistic killer puts the students through mind-games in order to save each other.
Nineteen, Thirty-Nine
Kim Su-jin
Following the glorious all-girls high school days, a reunion is held at the cafe of the class president Yeon-mi, facing the secrets that they have hidden for 20 years and growing up understanding each other.