Dylan Trowbridge

Dylan Trowbridge

出生 : 1975-01-01, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Dylan Trowbridge is a Canadian stage, film and television actor and director. He's a founding member of "Theatrefront", a leading producer of independent theatre in Toronto.


Dylan Trowbridge
Dylan Trowbridge
Dylan Trowbridge


The Dark
A murderous, flesh-eating undead young girl haunting the remote stretch of woods where she was murdered decades earlier, discovers a kidnapped and abused boy hiding in the trunk of one of her victim’s cars. Her decision to let the boy live throws her aggressively solitary existence into upheaval, and ultimately forces her to re-examine just how much of her humanity her murderer was able to destroy.
Still Life: A Three Pines Mystery
Olivier Brule
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his team arrive in Three Pines to solve the unusual murder of a much-loved woman and find dark secrets shadowing this usually peaceful village.
Poker Night
While Marty is watching over his parent's home for the weekend, his buddies talk him into hosting a poker night but they don't tell him that the winning prize for the game is a hooker.
息子を交通事故で亡くしたジェフは、目覚めると食肉工場の地下室にいた。扉を開けると、そこには鎖につながれた3人の男女。最愛の息子を飲酒運転でひき殺した男、犯人に軽罪しか与えなかった判事、そして事故を目撃しながら証言しなかった女…。「俺は、息子を殺した人間たちを処刑するのか?」 一方、医者のリンは誘拐され、連れて行かれた地下室で、瀬戸際のジグソウと会う。彼の延命手術を成功させなければ、彼女にも死が待っている…。こうして新たなる「ゲーム」が始まった!
Kardia weaves fiction and science to tell the story of Hope, a pathologist who embarks on a journey of reconciliation. Hope discovers that the experimental heart operation she underwent as a child has mysteriously linked her life with another. To unlock the secret of her past, Hope must revisit her childhood and explore regions of her life that have heart stopping results.
The Fraternity
Baker Salsbury
Some students at Runcie prep school form an elite club. The group is implicated in a cheating scandal and one of the club members dies mysteriously. Another member decides to try and discover the dangerous truth about Runcie.