Daniela Tonti


Fantozzi 2000 - The Cloning
First Assistant Director
Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.
Script Supervisor
A mysterious tomb is unearthed in the catacombs under Rome, the contents of which contain evidence of an ageless evil that may once have preyed on man.
After a doctor kills his mistress and himself while researching the mysterious previous owner of his Boston home, his colleague, Dr. Norman Boyle, takes over his research and moves his family from New York City to the Boston mansion. Soon after, Boyle's young son Bob becomes plagued by visions of a young girl, who warns him of the danger within the house.
The Tango of Jealousy
Script Supervisor
Lucia has been married for ten years with Julius who is fond of horses and seems to prefer his wife. Lucy tries then ingelosirlo inventing a lover who sends flowers with tickets compromising and makes mysterious phone calls. But Julius seems immune to any kind of jealousy. Then one day is hired as a bodyguard by Lucia Diego, Diego, who has a passion for Rudolph Valentino and thinks he is a great seducer, Diego has a girlfriend away, Nunzia. And things start to get more serious.
The Black Cat
Animal Coordinator
When a young couple goes missing in a sleepy English village, Scotland Yard Inspector Gorley is brought in to assist on the case. But what starts off as routine investigation turns into a murder inquiry when the couple are found dead in mysterious circumstances.
The Black Cat
When a young couple goes missing in a sleepy English village, Scotland Yard Inspector Gorley is brought in to assist on the case. But what starts off as routine investigation turns into a murder inquiry when the couple are found dead in mysterious circumstances.
ルチオ・フルチが手掛けたギャング映画。密輸組織が暗躍するナポリの港町で、麻薬組織に因縁を持つ密輸業者の男が復讐のため立ち向かう姿を描く。新旧犯罪組織の対抗という図式ながら、ルチオ・フルチ特有の人体破壊描写も光る快作。フルチ自身もカメオ出演している。 密輸組織の拠点である港町。縄張りの拡大を目論む麻薬組織に兄を殺された密輸業者の男が復讐のため、彼らに接近。密輸組織内部に潜む裏切り者が幹部暗殺の手引きをしていたことが発覚し、やがて事態は組織全体を巻き込んだ大がかりな抗争へと発展していく…。