Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee


Kevin Lee


Luban Four Heroes
Han Lee
Many urban legends exist around a famous "Suolongjing" near Beixin Bridge in old Beijing. The ancient water well with chains going underground. According to legend, in the early Ming Dynasty, the old dragon was entrenched in this place. After the capital was moved in 1421 from Nanjing to Beijing, dragon was accidentally disturbed by the great momentum. This old dragon has a violent temper and mmediately flooded the city of Beijing, so Zhu Di asked retired magician Yao Guangxiao and his Luban four heroes to go out and lock the beast in the dry well near a small bridge. A hundred years later descendants of the four masters of Luban gathered again to explore the truth of Suolong Well
Super Me
Scar Face
Sang Yu is so exhausted from trying to stay awake. Every time he closes his eyes, a demon chases and kills him in his dreams. One night Sang realizes he has a special power: he can bring treasures from his dreams into reality. Almost overnight, he becomes a rich man. But his wealth also attracts the attention of a ruthless gangster.
Drone Giant
A man steps out of a park fountain in Ho Chi Minh City with no recollection of who he is or where he came from. As he wanders through the city, piecing together clues to his past, he is relentlessly pursued by mysterious figures.
The Teacher
The Swordsman
An unassuming school teacher is relentlessly hunted by a team of assassins, forcing her to come to terms with her past to prolong her future.
約1000年前、天竺(インド)と唐(中国)の間に起きた混乱の中、ある財宝が消えた。 時は現代―、考古学者にしてカンフーの達人ジャック(ジャッキー・チェン)は、失われた財宝を探すため、同じく考古学者にしてヨガの達人のインド美女・アスミタと共に大冒険へ出る。手がかりはたった1枚の古い地図…、財宝の秘密を握る「シヴァの目」とは…、アスミタの驚くべき真の正体…予想だにしない真実が次々と明らかになっていく中、果たしてジャックたちは無事財宝にたどり着くことができるのか!? 中国、インド、アイスランド、ドバイで敢行された壮大なロケ、ランボルギーニなど超高級車70台を使用した映画史上最も豪華なカーチェイス、氷洞窟での大バトルにド派手アクション、そして何より歌って踊る!?何でもありの全ての要素でハイレベルの興奮を誘う、王道のエンターテインメント。2017年の締めくくりに、そして来るべき新年に向けて最高にハッピーな一作がここに誕生した!
ウルフ・オブ・ウォー ネイビー・シールズ傭兵部隊 vs PLA特殊部隊
Crazy Bull
Roman Soldier