Lilia Prado

Lilia Prado

出生 : 1928-03-30, Michoacan, Mexico

死亡 : 2006-05-22


Lilia Prado (March 30, 1928 – May 22, 2006) was a Mexican actress and dancer. After winning a beauty contest she started working in the Mexican cinematographic industry, first as an extra, and later on in leading roles. She starred in over 100 films, being directed by Luis Buñuel in Subida al cielo (Ascent to Heaven), Abismos de pasión (Wuthering Heights), and La ilusión viaja en tranvía (Illusion Travels by Streetcar). In many films she shared scenes with Pedro Infante. She and Silvia Pinal were the only actresses who worked with Buñuel in three films.


Lilia Prado
Lilia Prado


Dos tipas de cuidado
Gold-digger conspires with gal-pal to snag herself a rich husband.
La Puerta Negra
Más Buenas que el Pan
After winning a bet, Lalo goes on vacation with his two daughters and his best friend, they will try to keep Lalo's daughters away from perverted boys.
Cinco nacos asaltan Las Vegas
Lilia Prado
Five friends decide to go to Las Vegas to get money and one of them thinks of robbing a casino.
Arriba Michoacán
The two largest ranches in a small town are operated entirely by women, because their menfolk have all emigrated. Seceral of the younger women have boyfriend troubles, and all the women band together to vote their own representative into City Hall as Mayor.
Lovers of the Lord of the Night
Venusita falls in love with the son of a wealthy family whose mother sends her son off to the United States in order to keep the two apart. Not to be rejected so easily, Venusita visits Saurina the sorceress who comes up with a spell that kills off the merchant and zaps the son back home, but Venusita's problems are far from over.
The Promised Land?
Farm's not producing, and a rural family feel like they've exhausted their options, so they move to Mexico City.
Adiós Lagunilla, adiós
Middle-aged couple's adult children decide to emigrate to USA. Third movie in trilogy.
Mi nombre es Sergio, soy alcohólico
Madre de Claudia
Oficio de tinieblas
"Occupation of Darkness" - Set in 1934, and meant to dramatize social injustices, this melodrama examines an official's attempt at land reform. The landowners are against any reform and are also not interested in ending the exploitation of their workers. On the opposite side of the fence, the Native Americans have almost no way to better their living conditions or to fight oppression. They are also plagued by "superstition," which leads to some misguided actions that only make things worse. Violence and sexual encounters are interspersed throughout the story.
Mojado de nacimiento
El cara parchada
Evil guy gratifies his ambitions and desires at any cost, and he prospers nicely. Until he doesn't.
Solovino is called like that because no one knows where he came from. He is a miserable province man trying to improve his life, but sees himself forced to steal to survive. When he comes up with a large jewelry bounty a pair of cops offer him his freedom in exchange of the bounty and becomes the target of the police harassment.
El fuego de mi ahijada
La India
La Cacariza
Boy is traumatized from watching his sex-worker mother with her clients; he grows up with a particular grudge against that one guy that used to come to see her...
México de noche
Two street gangs vie for primacy, which will give them control of drug smuggling and stolen jewelry.
Los valientes de Guerrero
Weaselly bad guy wants to get in good with a woman he's hot for, so he frames the hero for a murder and then organizes a lynch mob against him... all to further her plans.
Faith, Hope and Charity
Nurse (segment "Esperanza")
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
El rincón de las vírgenes
Nieves García
"Faith-healer" develops a cult-like following in 1920s Jalisco.
El medio pelo
A woman who fancies herself an aristocrat rejects a potential suitor because he's not of her class. Also: their adult children have their own drama, a bit inflected with hippie-ish values.
Duelo en El Dorado
Saloon-owner's a hard guy and none too law-abiding; his twelve year old son comes to live with him and he starts changing his ways... but his past is likely to catch up with him.
La vida de Pedro Infante
Standard biopic...
Audaz y bravero
Two ranchers competing over a woman. Cult actor Noe Murayama plays a mentally handicapped character.
Los cuervos están de luto
The family of a dying man celebrates his wake while the man is still alive, showing their darker, selfish ambitions and trying to take the best part of the inheritance.
El asesino enmascarado
Hero vs bad-guy western.
El rey de la pistola
Western heist movie; a complicated bank job goes bad, and two groups of thieves fight the sheriff and each other.
Little Town
Reactionary local "Big Daddy" tries to prevent a school being built in his district.
El malvado Carabel
Frustrated salaryman responds to career setbacks by embarking on a life of crime.
Asesinos de la lucha libre
Cowboy sheriff investigates the murder of a crooked lucha-libre promoter.
Cuanto vale tu hijo
Family life in a squatter's-rights neighborhood on the outskirts of Mexico City.
El analfabeto
Blanca Morales
Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.
Senda prohibida
The story of Nora, a poor but ambitious young woman, who uses her beauty to seduce a rich and married lawyer.
Dos Maridos baratos
Two showgirls need to find husbands in order to collect an inheritance.
Vuelta al paraíso
All men who arrive on a small island fall in love with the daughters of an old fisherman who live there.
Dicen que soy hombre malo
Mistaken identities, courtship woes, invalidated marriages, and sombreros de charro.
Sand kisses
Romantic rivalries and violence on a tropical island.
El que con niños se acuesta...
Chón is rejected by his girlfriend Rosario's parents, so they both escape to the capital in search of his friend Manny, a millionaire philanthropist, who helps him but makes him adopt four children from his orphanage.
Four young couples cement their primary relationships during the town fair.
I'm flying low
Two hot-shot pilots working for the same company get all competitive and ructious toward each other.
Ladrones de niños
Kidnapping band has a system set up to transport infants and older children to black-market adoptive parents in the USA.
A Media Luz Los Tres
"Confirmed bachelor" quits playing the field and gets married.
Horas de agonía
Nubile young woman seems to be quite free with her affections... but she has a deep, dark secret. Deep. Dark.
La locura del rock and roll
Teresa García
Two rival colleges prepare for a Battle Of The Bands. Also malt-shoppes and football games.
Produced on a grand scale, the Mexican Talpa relates the simple story of two brothers. The older of the siblings, Tanilo (Victor Manuel Mendoza) is a well-to-do family man; the other, Estaban (Jamie Fernandez), is one step above a wastrel. When Tanilo is felled by illness, Estaban is forced to take over the family's blacksmith business. He also inaugurates a romance with Tanilo's attractive young wife Juana (Lilia Prado). Punishment is eventually doled out in a manner which suggests that God Himself is exacting retribution on the adulterous couple. Originally released at 87 minutes, Talpa was pared down to 73 minutes for American consumption.
The Hawks
The story of two half brothers who do not know they are such, who fight over a woman and nearly kill each other. One of them belongs to Los Gavilanes, a group of men who live live hidden and looting to give to the poor. Revenge, love and hate will at the end bring out the truth and everyone will get what he deserves.
La vida no vale nada
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
Después de la tormenta
This Mexican melodrama may have been released above the border as After the Storm. The principal characters are a pair of twin lighthouse keepers. They try their best to live together with their wives under the same roof, but the delicate balance is shattered when one of the brothers falls in love with his sister-in-law. When one twin is lost during a storm, the other assumes his identity, with the expected romantic complications. If Despues de la Termenta sounds familiar, it is because the screenplay was inspired by the 1946 Bette Davis vehicle A Stolen Life.
Wuthering Heights
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.
Illusion Travels by Streetcar
Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to "take 'er for one last spin," as it were. Unfortunately, the "one last spin" ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning the "borrowed" Streetcar!
Cuarto de hotel
Newlywed couple move from small town to Mexico City. Their first night in the city, they get separated by accident, and it takes them 90 minutes and lots of incidents before they find each other again.
Rumba caliente
Stage-hand and a concession-girl try to break into showbiz.
Las interesadas
Three young women sharing an apartment take in a man they injured in a car accident; while he's recovering, they also make friends with a homeless man. And then...
Tío de mi vida
Hard-partying college student wants his parents to think he's a serious and respectable young man, so Uncle Felipe pays all his bills and takes the blame for his misdeeds and wildnesses.
Mexican Bus Ride
Newlywed Oliverio receives disturbing news that his mother is on her deathbed. He travels to a remote part of Mexico to fetch a lawyer who can sort out her will. Leaving his wife behind, he embarks on a bus ride that’s interrupted by an increasingly absurd series of episodes, including an impromptu birthday celebration; a one-legged man writhing in the mud; come-ons from an insatiable small-town belle, Raquel; and Oliverio’s frequent, Freudian nightmares.
Traigo mi 45
María Elena Ruiz
Mexican feature film
My General's Wives
The encounter with an old lover puts a revolutionary general in great danger of death.
Crimen y castigo
Adaptation of Dostoyevsky's novel about a student who plans a conceptual murder and then butts heads with a police detective.
Heart of beast
Wanted criminal has plastic surgery, starts new life in a distant town. Old habits die hard.
The Poulterer Hawk
Antonia 'La Gela'
Two bumpkins in the big city fight over the same girl, until they realize that she's playing them against each other.
Pata de palo
Boy witnesses a murder, killer terrorizes and exploits him.
El desalmado
Aurora Cervantes 'La Jarochita'
Fictional biography of a career criminal.
Cuando acaba la noche
Consuelo González
Newspaper reporter interests himself in contesting a manslaughter verdict on behalf of the son of a woman who saves his life.
Si fuera una cualquiera
Pobre corazón
Woman discovers she's dying of an incurable illness, so she tries to make her husband hate her; dumping her on moving on would be better for him than watching her decline and feeling sad.
Love Pays for Love
Pre-Revolutionary setting; class conflicts and a romance across class-boundaries.
Una gallega en México
The Galician Candida has a bakery in front of the butcher Robustito, who constantly berates although children of both Aurora and Rodolfo are in love. In the neighborhood where they live, the neighbors prepared a joke to the galician girl. She gets angry Robustito hard time believing him guilty of what happened.
Un milagro de amor
Young man goes to Mexico City in search of opportunity and gets framed for another person's embezzlement at their place of employ. Meanwhile, back home, his fiancée the blind woman...
Confidencias de un ruletero
Taxi driver takes the wrong passenger at the wrong time and gets caught up in a murder investigation.
Arriba el norte
Husband and wife are reunited after a twenty-year misunderstanding; their grown daughter has her eye on a fella.
Cita con la muerte
Novia a la medida
Door-to-door salesman falls for a young woman, implements hare-brained schemes to separate her from her fiance.
Perez Family
Gumaro Pérez must fulfill all the whims of his wife, who is sworn lady of society even though the Pérez are not a wealthy family. In order not to look bad with his wife, Gumaro asks for a loan, but when he receives it, all his co-workers take it from him since he owes everyone money.
Dueña y señora
After his wife dies, the master of the house can... maybe... acknowledge that he had children with the houseekeeper. But will he?
Han matado a Tongolele
Murder mystery set in a night-club; who killed the star performer?
El reino de los gángsters
Johnny Carmenta is a gunman who heads a gang of gangsters. Carmenta secretly acts as a kind of El Zorro, helping the unprotected.
Tania la bella salvaje
Amiga 2
Rolando, a millionare, travels to a remote island and meets the young and tough Tania, a local woman with great dancing skills. He falls in love with her and takes the girl to Mexico, but their relationship gets awry when Tania cheats on him with another man.
Tarzan and the Mermaids
A high priest tries to force a young beauty to marry a pearl trader who is masquerading as the god Balu.
Nocturno de amor
Venice Film Festival 1948