A couple living in a house at the top of a hill. The husband loves photography and his wife loves painting. Eventually they have a kid. They take pictures and draw paintings of her. Both happy and sad events become part of their memories through the photographs and paintings. They become engraved as the family history in their lovely house. They grow older and spend their final days together.
大都会の象徴である東京・渋谷。 そこには、目まぐるしく急速に変わりゆく街と、それでも変わらない、変わることのない市井の感情が同居し、絡み合っています。 ユースカルチャーとは何かを必死に考えましたが、ユースカルチャーの代弁者とは、行進の先頭に立って先導するような立場や強さでは決してなく、どこにも行くことが出来なくて埋もれていってしまう、見向きもされない弱さと切実さで溢れていました。 “若者”は皆、全員ちゃんと顔が違います。 括ることなど到底不可能で、僕らはひとりひとりで出来ている。ひとりひとりで生きている。 この物語はありふれた、行き止まりの中にいる、ありきたりな若者たちのリアルです。
The story of a would-be actor, his larger-than-life classmate and their friends. Unfolding their past and present, Sasaki in My Mind looks head-on at adolescent sparkle and the pathos of bygone days.
The story of a would-be actor, his larger-than-life classmate and their friends. Unfolding their past and present, Sasaki in My Mind looks head-on at adolescent sparkle and the pathos of bygone days.
Nami lost his parents at a young age and later lost his grandfather who raised him. Nami closed off his heart from the world, only holding on to the words of his grandfather. Nami then meets Shimura and Nagaoka, who change his view on both the world and friendship. As a last memory of high school, the three of them go on a hitchhiking trip to northern Japan and have an unforgettable time.
Nami lost his parents at a young age and later lost his grandfather who raised him. Nami closed off his heart from the world, only holding on to the words of his grandfather. Nami then meets Shimura and Nagaoka, who change his view on both the world and friendship. As a last memory of high school, the three of them go on a hitchhiking trip to northern Japan and have an unforgettable time.
What is life like at a Japanese university? Four "friends" drift in and out of their friendships and face boredom, uncertainty and disengagement. And something more dangerous.