Milica Zec


Bringing Home Tibet
When New York based Tibetan artist Tenzing Rigdol's father passes away in exile with an unfulfilled wish to take his last breath in Tibet, Tenzing realizes that his father's dream to return home to his lost nation is shared by all exiles. Driven by this realization, the artist embarks on a mission to reunite the Tibetan land with its people, literally, through an art project that involves smuggling 20,000 kilograms of native Tibetan soil to India.
The Man from Bagombo
Sitting in a bar, Petar Lard decides to ring up his former sweetheart.
The Pocket-Watch
Anything can happen when a watch stops and a movie cuts.
Waiting for the Weekend
A young couple enjoys precious few fleeting moments of intimacy during the brief periods between the day shift and the night shift.