Shigemitsu Ogi

Shigemitsu Ogi

出生 : 1961-11-28, Fukui, Japan


Shigemitsu Ogi


Yutaka Okumura
バイプレイヤーズ もしも100人の名脇役が映画を作ったら
Koisuru otoko
Mitsuo Oda
Middle age divorced man in Tokyo falls in love with Hostess club girl and his assistant.
西村京太郎トラベルミステリー66 釧路・帯広殺人ルート
Masahiko Hayashi
The strangled dead body of Hiroshi Hatano, accounting section chief at the longstanding apparel company Edaka International, is discovered in his apartment in Tokyo. At the scene, Inspector Totsugawa and Detective Kamei find out that a mysterious email stating "I'll be riding the Super Ozora 5 tomorrow" was sent to the victim's cell phone the night before. The sender, Manami Furuya, an employee of Edaka International's Planning Section, has strangely terminated her cell phone service and hasn't shown up to work that very morning. Immediately afterwards, Totsugawa is astonished to receive a report from the Hokkaido police stating that the body of a man, stabbed to death, has been found on the Super Ozora 5 limited express. The man is Yuuki Nakamura, a bar employee from Tokyo, who seems to have flown from Haneda Airport to Sapporo and then boarded the Super Ozora 5, which connects Sapporo and Kushiro. Totsugawa has the feeling that this can't be a coincidence...
Takeshi Akiba
Masanao Ushio and other detectives from Shinjuku West PD discover the strangled dead body of a woman in an empty building in West Shinjuku in Tokyo. According to her husband Takeshi, the murdered Chieko Akiba was a top salesperson at the insurance company where she worked, but quit her job three months ago and planned to open a beauty salon after buying the building which happens to be the crime scene. The call history on her mobile phone reveals the victim answered a call at 8:16 PM and is presumed to have been murdered immediately afterwards. However, Ushio is surprised to hear who was on the other side of the call: Kyoko Yamano, a woman who accompanied Ushio under an umbrella on a rainy night one year ago and whose husband was killed by someone that very night...
A young writer's father returns after a long-time disappearance.
Koichi Kuwahara
Joichi Nikaido
有名進学校に通う早坂紫(北川景子)は、夢も刺激もない高校生活を送っていた。受験を控えて成績は伸び悩み、同級生の徳森浩行(山本裕典)への片思いも何の進展もないまま3年目を迎えた。そんなある日、紫は矢澤芸術学院、通称“ヤザガク”の生徒・永瀬嵐(賀来賢人)から学園祭のファッションショーのモデルにスカウトされる。アトリエに連れて行かれ、嵐のカノジョの櫻田実和子(大政絢)と女装したイザベラ(五十嵐隼士)に会うが、受験のことしか頭にない紫は「あんたの遊びに付き合っているヒマはない」と言い放つ。翌朝、紫の教室に嵐たちのリーダー格・小泉譲二、通称ジョージ(向井理)が現れ、紫の手を取ると強引に外へ連れ出す。ヤザガクの教師でありトップヘアメイクアーティストの如月星次(平山浩行)に紫の髪を切るよう頼むジョージ。コンテスト形式のショーでは、ジョージと麻生香(加藤夏希)が優勝を狙っていた。既に“Paradise Kiss”というブランドで様々な服を創っていたジョージは、仲間たちと共に手分けしてドレスを創る。そんな彼らの情熱に紫は少しずつ心を動かされていく。上手くいかない毎日を厳しすぎる母親(羽田美智子)のせいにしていた紫だったが「お前の意思はどこにある?」とジョージに言われ、彼を見返そうとモデルを引き受ける。そんな中、紫は母親とケンカして家出、ジョージのマンションに間借りすることになる。学校を休学、自立を目指しジョージが紹介してくれた雑誌のモデルの仕事は一流のプロたちの現場だった。紫は遂に夢と出逢えたことに気付き、さりげなくサポートしてくれるジョージに惹かれていく。だがジョージは卒業後にパラキスを解散、パリへ修行に行くと宣言する。ショーの当日。紫はリハーサルでランウェイがまともに歩けない。本番が始まり、ステージに向かう紫の背中で「自分の足で歩いて来い」とジョージが叫ぶ。ショーが終われば別れが待っていることを胸に秘めて、紫は歩き出した……。
踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE 3 ヤツらを解放せよ!
Masakazu Ichikura
2010年3月28日。湾岸署は3日後の新湾岸署の開署にむけて、刑事課強行犯係の係長・警部補となった青島俊作の指揮の下、引越しの準備で騒然となっていた。 引っ越し作業の最中、管内でバスジャック事件とネットワークで管理された金庫がクラッキングでこじ開けられた銀行強盗事件が立て続けに発生。青島やすみれがそれぞれ現場に急行するが、どちらも「何も盗られていない」という妙な共通点があった。
Kensuke Isoyama
Rain Fall
A hit man looks to protect the daughter of one of his victims against CIA assassins.
Morisaki Takamichi
スーパーカブ 2
Direct to video sequel to Super Cub.
Bike runner Takeshi was doing bike race without police noticing him in public road. But one day, he is caught by motorcycle policeman during the race. His important bike is confiscated and his father cuts off financial help. Disappointed, Takeshi started working at Japanese noodle restaurant whose owner is the father of his childhood friend Mio. He is depressed because he can't run anymore on bike and the job is not much fun. However one day, he finds a shabby super cub at restaurant warehouse. Takeshi starts it remodeling.
ALWAYS 続・三丁目の夕日
東京下町の夕日町三丁目、自動車修理工場を営む鈴木家に親戚の女の子・美加が預けられることになった。父親が事業に失敗し、出稼ぎに行くのだ。しかしお嬢様育ちの美加はなかなか鈴木一家や夕日町の人々になじめないでいた。一方駄菓子屋の茶川は、黙って去って行ったヒロミを想い続けながら淳之介と暮らしていた。そんなある日、淳之介の実父とみられる川渕が再び息子を連れ戻しにやって来た。 そこで茶川は、人並みの暮らしをさせられる証しを必ず見せるからと頼み込み、改めて淳之介を預かった。 大きな事を言ったはいいが、どうやって安定した生活を見せられるのか。やけ酒に酔いつぶれる茶川ではあったが、翌朝、一度はあきらめていた“芥川賞受賞”の夢に向かって黙々と執筆を始める茶川の姿があった。 それを見た鈴木オートやまわりの皆は、心から応援し始めるのだった。 茶川が芥川賞へ向けて全力で書き上げた内容とは、それはなんとも川のせせらぎのように純粋な物語であった。鈴木オートや商店街の人たちは殆どの人が茶川の書き上げた本を買い何度も読み、泣く人、感動する人、あのころを思い出す人など、人それぞれが違った観点をもち茶川を支えていくのである。はたして黙って去っていったヒロミとの運命はいかに。
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2007春の特別編~
***Sainou-dama A talentless young musician receives a spam email advertising "Talent Balls"--three lollipops which when eaten will awaken your hidden talents and turn you into a savant. However, what awakens within him turns out to be far from what he expects. ***Virtual Memory A women is understress at her job and goes to a store that offers her a machine that allows her to live other peoples memories. What happens when she starts selling hers? ***Funsadan Kyouiku A new teacher finds that her pay is based off her popularity with the students, so she starts to create problems for herself to solve. ***Gozen 2-ji no Chime A writer gets a call at his front gate every day at 2 am, but no one believes him. And then a murder happens and none of the cameras pick the criminal up. ***Kaisou Densha An old man revisiting memories on the subway.
Takatoshi Agawa
Kitahara Kazunori was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma in the fall of his second year in high school, and thereafter spent a year and 10 months battling the disease. Although he studied hard for the university examinations and was successfully admitted to his first choice, [the prestigious] Tokyo University, he only managed to visit it for a day before passing away. After that, last January [i.e. 2005], Kazunori's mother compiled the thoughts he had left behind and published it as a book, and it was adapted into this drama. Even as Kazunori had to fight his serious illness, he received support from his friends, school teachers and family members, and had warm relations with many people. This drama illustrates the 1 year and 10 months young Kazunori persevered together with the people around him.
ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日
昭和33年春、東京の下町、夕日町三丁目にある鈴木オート。そこに集団就職列車に乗って青森から集団就職で六子(むつこ)がやってくる。六(ろく)ちゃんと親しまれるが、実は大企業に就職できるかと期待していた六子は、小さくて古臭い下町工場の鈴木オートに内心がっかりしていた。 その向かいにある駄菓子屋「茶川商店」の主人・茶川竜之介は小説家。茶川は居酒屋「やまふじ」の美人店主・石崎ヒロミから見ず知らずの子供・古行淳之介を酔った勢いで預かってしまう。帰すに帰せず、二人の共同生活が始まる。
Adult video store clerk, Issa, feels like a total loser after losing his job and being dumped by his girlfriend. He is blessed by a stroke of luck when his invention, a curry package squeezing tool, suddenly gains immense popularity. Not only does his invention attract buyers and money, it even attracts unwanted attention from the Yakuza.
Koichi Namegawa
Shin is a professional voyeur who provides live camera feeds of everything from the street corner to the public toilet. He is also afflicted freakish phenomenon known as synesthesia - a glitch in his wiring puts his five senses in a blender and spits out something close to insanity. A high-profile murder propels him into a psychological odyssey in pursuit of Picasso - a serial killer, snuff peddler and fellow synesthete - who leaves deadly hidden messages in his victims' blood that only Shin can decipher. Lulling his victims into a trance with a spellbinding video game, Picasso leads Shin down a mysterious, hypnotic trail of death.
釣りバカ日誌15 ハマちゃんに明日はない!?
カミナリ走ル夏 -雷光疾走ル夏-
Japanese film directed by Masato Tanno.
Dr. Oda
Police struggle to uncover Klein, a powerful criminal organization. Asuka, a young detective, is assigned to contact and escort Hatsumi, a mistress of the drug lord Kimikuni, but they are ambushed, leaving Hatsumi brain-dead and Asuka near to death. However, the police concoct a top-secret plan to infiltrate Klein by transplanting Asuka's brain into Hatsumi's body.
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
Shigeru Furukawa
離婚調停中であり、娘の郁子の親権を夫邦夫と争っている淑美は生活を立て直そうと、郁子と一緒に新しいマンションに引っ越す。しかし、そこは雨漏りが酷い、水道水が不味い、上階の子供の足音がよく響くなど不具合が多く、また彼女は何か不穏なものを感じていた。 ある日、淑美は屋上で、赤い子供用バッグ(mimikoバッグ)を見つけ、それがきっかけで郁子と同じ幼稚園に通っていた少女・河合美津子が2年前から行方不明になっているのを知る。美津子は父と共に、淑美たちの真上の部屋に住んでいて、行方不明になったときには似たバッグをかけていた。 バッグは落とし物としてマンション管理人に届け、捨てられたことを確認するが、後日また屋上で同じものが見つかった。娘の郁子はバッグが気になるようで、また、見えない女の子と会話する奇行が見られるようになった。淑美は、美津子の霊が郁子を連れ去ろうとしているのではないかと恐慌に陥り、一度はマンションを出る決意する。
Shin Kyoto Meikyu Annai SP
Twenty-five years after Tajima, an unfairly treated office worker, filed a lawsuit for the company's collusion, he won the Supreme Court in reverse. Sugiura, who learned this from TV news, celebrates by himself. Twenty-five years ago, Sugiura, who was still a national newspaper reporter, had the history of interviewing Tajima and his wife Midori first and writing an article.
西村京太郎トラベルミステリー 宗谷本線殺人事件
Akira Ogawa
While returning from a business trip to Hokkaido, Detective Kamei of the MPD greets a middle-aged traveler in the waiting room of Minami-Wakkanai Station but is ignored by him. On the limited express to Asahikawa, the same man happens to entrust Kamei with a floppy disk before dying. The floppy contains his investigative notes on a murder that happened two years ago...
SIT Taicho
Zero WOMAN 最後の指令
Rei, whose undercover role is so guarded that there is no written record of her identity, is well known for her accuracy in completing missions and her willingness to get naked if the situation calls for it. When she's instructed to bust Kayama, who has been buying confiscated drugs from corrupt police officers, she finds herself in a sticky situation -- not only is she attracted to him, but Kayama, like Rei, does not officially exist.
Yoshihisa Ota
Three apparently unrelated suicides occur on the same day in Tokyo. One involves a young athlete, one a groom at his wedding reception, and the third an elderly man celebrating his wife's birthday. A middle aged detective investigating one of the cases begins to suspect a connection between the three when he discovers that each person mentioned a "green monkey" before they died. With the help of a young psychiatrist he formulates the theory that hypnosis is somehow involved. In the mean time other bizarre "suicides" are reported and the mystery intensifies. Who will be next? What is the truth? Can more deaths be prevented?
After a series of arson attacks targeting red cars happens in the vicinity of Shiba Park, Shiho Kitami and Detective Hakamada of the MPD's First Investigation Division are asked by the local precinct to help with a stakeout. However, when the entire neighborhood loses power, a murder occurs...
Tomonori is a third rate model and very unhappy with her demeaning job of handing out leaflets. Unfortunately she doesn't have too many options. One day she gets drunk and starts a fight at a party where she is working.
Maekawa Keibuho
幼い息子を死なせて以来、自殺ばかりを考えている解剖医・安藤。ある日、彼は謎の死を遂げた高山竜司の解剖を担当することになった。安藤と竜司は学生時代の同級生だった、竜司の体を解剖した安藤は彼の胃の中から暗号の書かれた紙片を見つける。それは安藤たちが学生時代に流行った遊びで、彼は「DNA PRESENT」という言葉を読み取るのだった。そんな折、玲子が車の事故で息子の陽一と共に死んだという情報が安藤に入っ...
Based on the comic by Fujiko Minako. Played as a double feature with That's Cunning! Shijo saidai no sakusen.
A hard-boiled touch love story that depicts the momentary love between a hitman and a woman who had a dangerous escape together.
The sensual images depict the love and hatred between four men and women living together, creating a new kind of love story. One night, alcoholic writer Akimoto and live-in former actress Yumiko meet Koichi, a gay drug dealer pursued by the yakuza, and his younger brother Yuji, a castrated man. The four of them flee Tokyo and start living together in Koichi and Yuji's childhood hideout. In the midst of their peaceful life, Yumiko falls in love with Yuji, but he is unable to give her any physical satisfaction. In the meantime, Yuji asks Koichi to hold Yumiko instead of him, which leads to jealousy among the men.
Man drinking Wine
Melodrama about the life of a mentally handicapped young man and his devoted sister after their famous novelist father and housewife mother go to Australia on a business trip.
Tetsuro Azuma
Kaori, who can find nothing in her daily life but sex with her male friend Taro, suddenly meets a middle-aged man named Kosuke. She hopes that Kosuke will quench her thirst, but is disappointed to learn that he has a woman named Naomi. Upon learning of Kaori's feelings for him, Taro...
Kabuki, a detective in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, and his partner, Kabuki, a T-back detective with a lot of sensuality, are chasing a pachinko chain sales of 120 million yen. Hoshi is a vicious group led by female boss Lena. I got both money and Lena, and it was a lewd guts bare ball, but Lena was a very bad woman who devours sex and blood ....
Sukesaburo Tamaki, a superhuman detective who has no eyes on women, is the face of Kabukicho in Shinjuku. Not knowing that the 700 million yen robbery case occurred, he went to bed with Miss Soap. Kaoru Wakakusa, a new detective who loves T-backs who came to inform him of the incident, said, "Is it for 10,000 luxury soaps?" As if to ridicule such a gold ball, Hoshi raises the money changer to the blood festival and kills the bewitching soap lady who is also the source of information one after another. An angry explosion of gold balls and Kaoru's bumpy duo run around the city of Shinjuku to resolve the case!
Kaneda Seichi
A Korean taxi-driver interacts both humorously and tragically with his customers and employers in '90s Tokyo.
Amano Shûhei
Subaru is investigating the death of of a enemy, Kaneyama but before he died, he undertook a project, which was how to teach seven teenage girls how to use black magic to get revenge on people they don't like, but when one of the girls feels remorse, she is told by the other girls to continue with the black magic. Subaru tries to stop them but the girls think that he is their enemy and put a curse on him.
Yasujiro Ozu
Story of famed Japanese actress Kinuyo Tanaka, with an emphasis on her working relationship with director Kenji Mizoguchi.