Nicky Katt

Nicky Katt

出生 : 1970-05-11, South Dakota, USA


Nicholas Lea "Nicky" Katt  (born May 11, 1970 in North Dakota) is an American actor known for his role as unorthodox teacher Harry Senate on David E. Kelley's Fox drama Boston Public. Description above from the Wikipedia article Nicky Katt, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Nicky Katt
Nicky Katt
Nicky Katt


21 Years: Richard Linklater
Self - Actor
A journey through the professional life of innovative film director Richard Linklater: 21 years creating films, carving his signature in pop culture; an analysis of his style and motivations, through the funny and moving testimonies of close friends and collaborators, actors and other filmmakers.
Mr. Y
Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.
Officer Petite
Shotgun SWAT (uncredited)
Police Officer
A teenager with an early onset of male-pattern baldness befriends his high school's janitor.
ブレイブ ワン
Detective Vitale
デス・プルーフ in グラインドハウス
Counter Guy
プラネット・テラー in グラインドハウス
Snow Angels
Nate Petite
Waitress Annie has separated from her suicidal alcoholic husband, Glenn. Glenn has become an evangelical Christian, but his erratic attempts at getting back into Annie's life have alarmed her. High school student Arthur works at Annie's restaurant, growing closer to a new kid in town, Lila, after class. When Glenn and Annie's daughter go missing, the whole town searches for her, as he increasingly spirals out of control.
Volunteer Fireman
2001年9月11日。ニューヨークは、いつもと同じ朝を迎えていた。港湾局警察に勤めるベテラン巡査部長のジョン・マクローリンや、同じく港湾局警察に勤めるウィル・ヒメノをはじめ、警察官たちも普通に業務を開始した。 だが、午前8時40分過ぎ、突如、タワー1(北棟)に、アメリカン航空11便が激突した。続いてタワー2(南棟)にも、ユナイテッド航空175便が激突。アメリカ国民だけでなく世界中の人が我が目を疑った。 ジョンたちは、上層階に取り残された人々を救出すべく、さらなる恐怖が迫っているとも知らずに部下たちと共にタワーへ向かった。
In 1969, while studying at the University of Maine, artist Alan Parker becomes obsessed with death. Believing he is losing his girlfriend, he tries to commit suicide on his birthday but his friends manage to stop him. He receives news that his mother has had a stroke and decides to hitchhike to visit her at the hospital.
I Love Your Work
Goateed Man
A fictional movie star, Gray Evans, goes through the disintegration of his marriage, his gradual mental breakdown, and his increasing obsession with a young film student who reminds Gray of his own life before becoming famous. A dark psychological drama, I Love Your Work explores the pressures of fame and the difference between getting what you want and wanting what you get.
1960年代初頭のテキサス。14歳のウォルターは、だらしない母親メイの勝手な都合で大伯父さんたちの家に預けられる。 祖母の兄弟であるハブとガースは40年間も消息を絶っていたが、最近になって出所不明の莫大な金を持って帰ってきたらしい。 メイは、2人の金の隠し場所をウォルターに突き止めさせ、あわよくば、子供も相続人もいない2人がウォルターを気に入って遺産を遺してくれることを期待していたのだ。 ウォルターはそんな強欲な母親に辟易しながらも仕方なく大伯父さんの家にとどまる。
Full Frontal
A day in the life of a group of men and women in Hollywood, in the hours leading up to a friend's birthday party.
Fred Duggar
Frank Marnikov
After being randomly brought together in a car accident, two strangers develop a friendship based on their shared relationship with a deaf man. This common bond will lead them down a new path of personal awakening... and force them to each confront secrets buried in the past!
One of Four Men
Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. The film follows its protagonist as he initially observes and later participates in philosophical discussions that weave together issues like reality, free will, our relationships with others, and the meaning of life.
Hayes Hodges III
イエメンのアメリカ大使館が包囲された。救出に向かったチルダース大佐率いる海兵隊は、暴徒と化した一般市民を制圧するために銃撃を開始し、多数の死者が出てしまう。大佐は英雄なのか殺人者なのか? 戦闘シーンも迫力の軍事裁判ドラマ。
Greg Weinstein
A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm and is on the fast track to success—but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds.
College dropout Will Sherman works as a pizza delivery boy. One night he delivers a pizza at the house where the guy who ordered pizza was just killed. The murderer, Reed, soon realizes that Will is a witness and begins to follow him.
Stacy the Hitman
9年間の刑務所暮らしを終えて出所したウィルソン(テレンス・スタンプ)は、ひとり娘ステイシー(ニッキー・カット)がLAで事故死したという手紙を受け取る。死の真相を確かめるべく、手紙を出した彼女の友人エド(ルイス・ガズマン)を訪ねたウィルソンは、やがて彼女の死に大物音楽プロデューサーのテリー(ピーター・フォンダ )がからんでいるのを知る…。
Jordan Belzer
Scotch and Milk
A brooding self-styled swinger obsessed with things from the 1950's loses himself in booze and night clubbing amongst similar other men. Meanwhile he pines for the woman he really loves, but is incapable of establishing a meaningful relationship with.
Deputy Steve Shanning
In the peaceful town of Snowfield, Colorado something evil has wiped out the community. And now, its up to a group of people to stop it, or at least get out of Snowfield alive.
“A FREEZE IS COMING!” すべてを氷づけにしようとする怪人Mr.フリーズがゴッサム・シティーに出現。事もあろうに、誘惑フェロモンと猛毒キスを武器にするポイズン・アイビーと手を組んだ! 対するバットマンも、ロビンとバットガールという味方を得て迎え撃つが!3代目バットマンに選ばれたジョージ・クルーニー、初登場のバットガールにアリシア・シルヴァーストーン、注目の悪役にはアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーら、豪華スターが共演。機能性がアップしたバットモービルや、より奇抜さを増したゴッサム・シティーなど、本シリーズならではの斬新なデザインも充実。
A group of suburban teenagers try to support each other through the difficult task of becoming adults.
It's the day before Christmas, the day before John's 21st birthday. He's a prostitute on Santa Monica Blvd in L.A., and he wants to spend that night and the next day at the posh Park Plaza Hotel. Meanwhile, Donner, a lad new to the streets, wants John to leave the city with him. John spends the day trying to figure out how to deal with Donner's friendship.
Billy Ray Cobb
2人の白人青年に暴行を受けた黒人 少女の父親カールは自ら犯人を射殺する。陪審員全員が白人という圧倒的にカールに不利な状況の中、彼を助けるべく若き弁護士が立ち上がる。J.グリシャム原作の映画化。
Carnoburger Cashier
Jordan White and Amy Blue, two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red. Together, the threesome embarks on a sex and violence-filled journey through an United States of psychos and quickie marts.
The Babysitter
Mark Holsten
Jennifer (Alicia Silverstone) is a lovely teen who has been hired to baby-sit the kids of Harry Tucker (J.T. Walsh) and his wife, Dolly (Lee Garlington). The Tuckers go to a party and proceed to get inebriated, with Mr. Tucker fantasizing about his beautiful baby sitter. Meanwhile, Jack (Jeremy London), her boyfriend, and Mark (Nicky Katt), another guy interested in her, decide to spy on Jennifer at the Tucker house, with each young man also fixated on her.
Joey Corto
In the last days of 1999, ex-cop turned street hustler Lenny Nero receives a disc which contains the memories of the murder of a prostitute. With the help of bodyguard Mace, he starts to investigate and is pulled deeper and deeper in a whirl of murder, blackmail and intrigue. Can the pair live to see the new millennium?
Knight Rider 2010
Loosely based on the popular television series of the 80's, this movie brings the story into an apocalyptic time and a new "KITT".
Gang Boys
Linda Blair's gay son gets raped by Nazis, so she tracks down the father, played by Wings Hauser, and helps him deal with his alcoholism, and eventually they kind of fight back.
Clint Bruno
The adventures of a group of Texas teens on their last day of school in 1976, centering on student Randall Floyd, who moves easily among stoners, jocks and geeks. Floyd is a star athlete, but he also likes smoking weed, which presents a conundrum when his football coach demands he sign a "no drugs" pledge.
American Yakuza
When Nick Davis leaves prison after one year in solitaire, he is hired to operate forklift in a warehouse in the harbor owned by the Japanese Yakuza patriarch Isshin Tendo. The place is assaulted by the Italian Mafia leaded by Dino Campanela and Nick rescues and saves the life of Shuji Sawamoto, who is the representative of Yakuza interests in America. Shuji hires Nick to work for Yakuza and becomes his godfather in the family after his oath to join Yakuza. However, Nick is a lonely FBI undercover agent assigned to penetrate in the criminal organization. When the FBI discovers that Campanela is organizing a massive attack to destroy the Yakuza, Nick's boss Littman calls off the operation to leave the dirty work to the Italian Mafia. But the connection of Nick with Shuji and his goddaughter Yuko forces him to help his Japanese family.
Martians Go Home
Song writer Mark Devereaux accidentally calls millions of green Martians to invade Earth. No they aren't dangerous, just wise-cracking, intrusive, pain in neck, annoyances. No one can escape their distracting influence. It's up to Mark to figure out how they got here, and most importantly, how to get rid of them before they drive everyone crazy!
Steve Kuntz
When secretive new neighbors move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evildoings and commence an investigation. But it's hardly how Ray, who much prefers drinking beer, reading his newspaper and watching a ball game on the tube expected to spend his vacation.