Masahiro Tokuda

Masahiro Tokuda

出生 : 1984-10-02,


Masahiro Tokuda


ウルトラマンデッカー最終章 旅立ちの彼方へ…
Original Music Composer
When GUTS-Select investigate mysterious disappearances, they learn it is work of an evil alien who intends to invade the Earth, called Professor Gibellus. However, just in time, a mysterious woman appears to help GUTS-Select.
劇場版 奥様は、取り扱い注意
元特殊工作員だった過去を持つ専業主婦・伊佐山菜美(綾瀬はるか)と、実は現役の公安警察であり菜美を監視する優しい夫・伊佐山勇輝(西島秀俊)の二人は、桜井久実と裕司に名前を変えて、小さな地方都市・珠海市で新しい生活を始めていた。実は半年前、ある出来事がきっかけで菜美は記憶喪失になっていたのだった―。「過去なんて捨てて、あなたとの今を大事にして生きていく」二人が新生活を送る珠海市は、新エネルギー源「メタンハイドレート」の発掘に活気づいていたが、美しい海を守ろうとする開発反対派と、市長をはじめとする推進派の争いが日に日に激化。実は新エネルギー源開発の裏で、ロシアと結託した国家レベルの陰謀が潜んでいることを突き止めた公安。「公安の協力者にならなければあの女を殺せ」信じるか、疑うか。逃がすか、拘束するか―― 。葛藤する裕司(勇輝)。菜美の記憶の回復は、愛し合う二人の別れ(死)を意味する。そんな中、過去の因縁と国家に追われ、久実(菜美)は大きな事件へと巻き込まれてゆく―
Inferno: Letters from Auschwitz
Original Music Composer
After the end of the second world war, Fred Wada Isamu (Osawa), an American of Japanese descent who runs a fruit and vegetable shop in Los Angeles. One day, Wada sees a newspaper article on the search for someone of Japanese descent who can look after Japanese athletes coming to the United States to compete in the national swimming championship, and offers his family. Several months later, Kiyokawa (Mitsuishi), the Japanese swimming team’s coach, and the swimmers Hashizume (Katsuji), Furubashi (Nakao) and others arrive in the United States. The Japanese swimming team breaks one world record after another and sets nine world records. It is joyous news for Japan. Several years later, Wada and his wife receive a phone call from Tabata Masaji (Nishida Toshiyuki), the chairman of the Japanese Swimming Federation and general secretary of the Japanese Olympic Committee. Tabata says he would like some form of help from Wada in their bid for the Tokyo Olympics...
アウトバーン マル暴の女刑事・八神瑛子
Eiko Yagami (Ryoko Yonekura) is a "Marubo", a unit of Ueno Central Police Station's Organized Crime Division which deals directly with organized gangs to try and keep the peace. However, Eiko has some sidelines: she's a moneylender to her fellow police officers without charging interest in return for information and is also willing to do the odd side job for those on the criminal side for the money. One day, Kasumi (Riho Takada), who is the daughter of Senma-gumi gang's leader (Toshiyuki Nishida), is found stabbed to death. As this threatens to pit gang against gang, Eiko and the police have to hurry and find her killer.
Original Music Composer