Additional Writing
The adventures of Golden Retriever pup Napoleon and his friend, the parrot Birdo Lucci.
Cody and Fiorelli try to catch diamond smugglers, but the gems are not where they were supposed to be. Cody embarks to infiltrate the dealers who brought the diamonds in from South Africa. He also searches for a missing teenager.
Garage Man
An out-of-luck youth gets a lift from a shoplifter whose car he had planned to steal. They become involved in crime and romance together.
A disturbed woman murders her husband, and others, so that she can be haunted by their "wronged" spirits.
A convent teacher spreads a little happiness and makes enough money to support her crippled brother's habit by selling her favours regularly on a cross-country night sleeper. She makes sure she is in control of each encounter until one client reaches her more than she expects.
前作から数年後、大戦が世界各地で勃発し文明は衰退し世界は貧困と荒廃が進んでいた。復讐を遂げたものの虚無感に囚われ荒野を目的もなく走り続けるマックス。ある日捕らえた男ジャイロキャプテンより今も稼動し続けガソリンが取り放題の石油精製所があると聞かされる。しかしそこにはガソリンを独占しようとするヒューマンガス率いる暴走族集団と精製所に立てこもる市民が日々攻防戦を繰り返していた。 なんとか精製所にもぐりこんだマックス。中の市民は豊富なガソリンを持って脱出をしたいがガソリンタンクを牽引する車を持って来ればガソリンを好きなだけ渡すという取引を行う。群がる凶悪暴走族の中、マックスは一人で突破を試みるが・・
A student teacher, Mark (Steve J. Spears) doesn't accept the teaching methods to be found in a traditional school situation, or the way the principal Ted 'Seedy' Yates (Ken Goodlet) runs the show.