Kim Collins


Production Manager
おもちゃの世界を舞台に、人とおもちゃの絆をドラマティックに描き、世界中の観客を感動の渦で包み込んだディズニー / ピクサーの大傑作『トイ・ストーリー』シリーズの第4弾。ウッディやバズら仲間たちの新たな旅立ちと冒険を描く感動アドベンチャー。
Y2K Millennium Meltdown: The Silent Bomb
Shot on video' "how to" guide on surviving the infrastructure meltdown that was speculated would happen on New Year's Eve 1999. It's paranoia from the late 1990's! It opens with a new year's eve party, and the ominous words of a partygoer, but then the phone and power cut out(!) and a suntanned rustic gentleman suddenly appears in a cavelike room, seated by an oil lamp, and adorned in brown. The room as well.