In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.
For millions worldwide, the Rose Parade is an iconic New Year’s Day tradition. Members of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, a self-funded, all-volunteer organization, compete in the world-famous Pasadena Tournament of Roses.
For millions worldwide, the Rose Parade is an iconic New Year’s Day tradition. Members of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, a self-funded, all-volunteer organization, compete in the world-famous Pasadena Tournament of Roses.
For millions worldwide, the Rose Parade is an iconic New Year’s Day tradition. Members of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, a self-funded, all-volunteer organization, compete in the world-famous Pasadena Tournament of Roses.
13 year old Samantha and her 6 year old brother, William Paul, survive a major tragedy that sees their whole family dead, leaving them in a foster home. Life at the foster home slowly becomes abusive and the kids run away and attempt to survive on their own in some abandoned structures in the woods. When the food and supplies run out, Samantha is forced to find a way to feed her brother. She turns to her musical abilities, while finding help from a mysterious source. William Paul falls ill and the clock begins ticking for Samantha to find food and medicine. Will she find it in time?
Kimberly will stop at nothing to have a child of her own. Recovering from cancer her possibilities seemed slim. However, the world's first successful human cloning project brings an opportunity and a son named David. Seven years after David's birth, Roger, the head researcher of the cloning project returns to reveal that David was cloned from DNA taken from the Shroud of Turin... from blood of Christ.
An heiress who is being treated for a mental breakdown becomes attracted to her nurse, who seems to be similarly inclined. The nurse's ex-husband shows up and demonstrates his capacity for all things sadistic and psychotic, even murder.