「真っ赤な星」の井樫彩が監督・脚本を手がけ、海辺の町を舞台にそれぞれ喪失感を抱える男女の出会いと再生を描いたドラマ。 海辺の町で旅館を営む若い女性・中島奈々。幼い頃に家族を亡くした彼女は、自分の気持ちを誰にも打ち明けずに淡々と日々を過ごしていた。9月上旬、休業中の中島荘に、藤井俊太郎という青年が訪ねてくる。俊太郎は1年前に恋人を亡くしており、彼女は死の直前に中島荘に宿泊していたという。俊太郎は恋人の死を理解するため彼女の足跡をたどって町をさまよい、奈々はそんな彼といつしか行動をともにするようになる。 「あまのがわ」の福地桃子が主演を務め、「ポエトリーエンジェル」の岡山天音が共演。芸能事務所レプロエンタテインメント主催の映画製作プロジェクト「感動シネマアワード」でグランプリを受賞した企画の映像化作品。
Adapted from Kabei Yukako's novel of the same name. After being guided by a mysterious message from the past on a cellphone's answering machine, Umi encounters Mahiro, a delinquent at her school. They gradually come closer, but more messages appearing on the answering machine will unveil past secrets...
Adapted from Kabei Yukako's novel of the same name. After being guided by a mysterious message from the past on a cellphone's answering machine, Umi encounters Mahiro, a delinquent at her school. They gradually come closer, but more messages appearing on the answering machine will unveil past secrets...
山戸結希監督が企画・プロデュースを務め、自身を含め80 年代後半〜90 年代生まれの新進映画監督、総勢15 名が集結。“自分自身のセクシャリティあるいはジェンダーがゆらいだ瞬間が映っていること”を共通のテーマとして、各監督が8 分以内の短編で表現するオムニバス作品。
When fourteen-year-old Yo is hospitalized she gradually develops feelings for Yayoi who is a nurse tending her. However, Yayoi leaves the nursing profession in favour of prostitution. Yo is disappointed, but turns to the older woman after she is the subject of unrequited love from her mother's man. The two grow closer and Yo is about to find out what motivates Yayoi.
When fourteen-year-old Yo is hospitalized she gradually develops feelings for Yayoi who is a nurse tending her. However, Yayoi leaves the nursing profession in favour of prostitution. Yo is disappointed, but turns to the older woman after she is the subject of unrequited love from her mother's man. The two grow closer and Yo is about to find out what motivates Yayoi.
Mako is worried about her future, afraid to be stuck all alone with a baby in the countryside, just like all the young people of her age. While her friends stay busy by having sex, she has her own way to keep her mind off boredom.