A shy 17-year-old girl playing classical piano discovers soul music through a strange friendship with an old rocker in a summer that will change her life.
Costume Designer
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
Costume Design
The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office. Only the kidnapping of young Carlo gives him back his work as a correspondent.
Costume Design
Costume Design
ある月食の夜、年頃の娘を持つ夫婦ロッコとエヴァの家に、ロッコの幼なじみで親友のレレとコジモとペッペ、そしてレレの妻カルロッタとコジモの妻ビアンカが集まり、夕食会が開かれる。 たわいのない会話で盛り上がる中、エヴァの提案で7人の男女は互いに秘密のないことの証としてスマートフォンにかかってきた電話や届いたメールやメッセージを公開し合うゲームを始めることになるが、次第に7人の隠された姿が露呈していく。
Costume Design
Innocenzo is a 39 years old cistercenses monk, ceramist and singer for the abbey he lives in, but new obligations arise as the parson of the village is transfered. He finds himself face to face with the complexity of community life and starts to question his identity as a person and man of faith.