Manon Messiant


To Exist Under Permanent Suspicion
Claire (Kayije Kagame from Saint Omer, IFFR 2023) is an ambitious businesswoman working in La Défense, but the cold corporate environment amplifies her loneliness, pushing her to the verge of breakdown. The office is a prison and the only way out is to burn it down. A psychological horror, with a 1990s-inspired noir aesthetic, with To Exist Under Permanent Suspicion Valentin Noujaïm offers a genre-blending glimpse into the microaggressions Black women face in the workplace.
Pour ton mariage
Finding Home
A short animated documentary, which tells the personal story of Antonia Jardenia da Silva from Brazil: a climate refugee forced to move from her home village to the big city in order to take care of her newborn baby as it struggles with microcephaly.
Vénus Rétrograde
Midnight sharp. Two radio journalissts host a dull cultural program. Lights are switched off. A gang of women invades the studio to broadcast a message: “One, two... One, two... This is a coup!” Venus Retrograde explores an erotic, queer coup d’etat through a campy aesthetic and futuristic themes.
Daughters of Destiny
On the night their favorite bar closes, Eden, Crystal, and Ibtissame, three young black and arab queer girls, experience strange events: Crystal mysteriously disappears, kidnapped by a purple star. Eden starts looking for the one she loves, until she discovers that Crystal is trapped in another fantastic and strange world...
And Then, the Silence
The Brittany coast. The storm season has begun. Twenty-year-old Matthias is hard at work on the small family farm, waiting for his father to acknowledge his efforts. As the annual procession of the Virgin is about to be celebrated in the village, Hugo, his brother, returns for the weekend.
Avant d'oublier Héliopolis
My family have begun to forget their Egyptian roots and, on asking my grandmother Malo to recount the first part of her life in Cairo, I am confronted by the memories of an exiled Arabic woman, lost in a troubled sea of memories, soon to be erased by the passage of time. I start a tour to trace her steps and understand who she is, and therefore who we are. An Egypt appears where her past, my imaginings and the present Heliopolis mix together as night falls.
Production Manager
Anna wants to share her chocolate cake with her friend and ends up living an adventure through the forest, where the terrible bearded giant is the new inhabitant. In fact, all the animals that she meets are disappearing. Does the giant need company?
Assistant Production Manager
「氷の微笑」のポール・バーホーベン監督が「ピアニスト」のイザベル・ユペールを主演に迎え、「ベティ・ブルー 愛と激情の日々」の原作者フィリップ・ディジャンの小説「oh...」を実写映画化したエロティックサスペンス。ゲーム会社のCEOを務める女性ミシェルは、ある日突然、自宅に侵入してきた覆面男に襲われてしまう。何事もなかったかのように今まで通りの生活を送ろうとするミシェルだったが、襲われた時の記憶がフラッシュバックするようになっていく。犯人が身近にいることに気づいたミシェルはその正体を突き止めようとするが、自分自身に潜んでいた欲望や衝動に突き動かされて思わぬ行動に出る。第74回ゴールデングローブ賞で最優秀主演女優賞と最優秀外国語映画賞を受賞し、第89回アカデミー賞でもイザベル・ユペールが主演女優賞にノミネートされた。
Keiko and the Floating World
2011. Fukushima. Keiko's life changes when her friends are swallowed up by the tsunami. Two years later, unable to mourn, the former trawler captain embarks for the quarantine zone, convinced that they are still alive.