Sound Editor
A French journalist meets Salvador Dali several times for a documentary project.
Sound Designer
After a devastating battle against a diabolical turtle, a team of five avengers – known as the "Tobacco Force" - is sent on a mandatory retreat to strengthen their decaying group cohesion. Their sojourn goes wonderfully well until Lézardin, Emperor of Evil, decides to annihilate planet Earth.
Sound Designer
After a traumatic accident during a hypnosis seance, young psychiatrist Louise opens a new office in the middle of nowhere. When she starts analyzing Theo, a dark and mysterious man, people around her start to die.
Sound Editor
「ラバー」「ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼」などの独創的な作品で知られるフランスの鬼才カンタン・デュピューが監督・脚本を手がけ、「時間が半日進んで肉体が3日分若返る」という不思議な穴に翻弄される夫婦の運命を描いた異色ドラマ。 平凡な中年夫婦アランとマリーは怪しげな不動産業者に案内され、郊外に建つモダニズム風の一軒家を下見に訪れる。不動産業者は購入すべきか迷う彼らに、奇妙なセールスポイントを教える。それは、家の地下室に空いた穴に入ると「時間が12時間進み、肉体が3日分若返る」というもの。夫婦は半信半疑でその家に引っ越すことを決めるが、やがてその穴の存在は、彼らが胸の奥深くに秘めていた欲望や衝動を呼び覚ましていく。 「恋愛睡眠のすすめ」のアラン・シャバと「ジュリアン」のレア・ドリュッケールが主人公夫婦を演じ、「ピアニスト」のブノワ・マジメル、「彼は秘密の女ともだち」のアナイス・ドゥムースティエが共演。
Sound Editor
The intertwining fates of two Vietnamese sisters who sustain a wartime relationship through written correspondence.
Sound Designer
Eugenie has a unique gift: she hears and sees the dead. When her family discovers her secret, at the end of the 19th century, she is taken by her father and brother to the neurological clinic at La Pitié Salpêtrière with no possibility of escaping her fate. Her destiny becomes entwined with that of Geneviève, a nurse at the hospital.
Sound Supervisor
A 17th-century nun becomes entangled in a forbidden lesbian affair with a novice. But it is Benedetta's shocking religious visions that threaten to shake the Church to its core.
This is the story of a guy who goes too fast and a big guy who is too slow. Foster meets Taupin. All this would be trivial if one of them had a scary scenario, the scenario of their lives and their deaths. Just open the pages and shake.
Sound Editor
In 1891, the French painter Paul Gauguin leaves Paris and travels to Tahiti to renew his art as a free man, far from the European artistic conventionalism. On his journey of discovery, he faces solitude and disease, but he also knows the beauty of wild nature and the love of Tehura, a young native girl who becomes his wife and model.
Sound Effects Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
「氷の微笑」のポール・バーホーベン監督が「ピアニスト」のイザベル・ユペールを主演に迎え、「ベティ・ブルー 愛と激情の日々」の原作者フィリップ・ディジャンの小説「oh...」を実写映画化したエロティックサスペンス。ゲーム会社のCEOを務める女性ミシェルは、ある日突然、自宅に侵入してきた覆面男に襲われてしまう。何事もなかったかのように今まで通りの生活を送ろうとするミシェルだったが、襲われた時の記憶がフラッシュバックするようになっていく。犯人が身近にいることに気づいたミシェルはその正体を突き止めようとするが、自分自身に潜んでいた欲望や衝動に突き動かされて思わぬ行動に出る。第74回ゴールデングローブ賞で最優秀主演女優賞と最優秀外国語映画賞を受賞し、第89回アカデミー賞でもイザベル・ユペールが主演女優賞にノミネートされた。
Sound Designer
Vincent Miles, a gunsmith and shooting instructor at the National Police, is an expert in combat shooting who stubbornly refuses to join a field brigade, a choice which their colleagues do not understand. When he meets Milo Cardena, a mysterious and skilled cop, his life changes in such way that he cannot ignore his true nature anymore.
Sound Designer
An anonymous hacker has hacked all of Paris' cameras and observes the city unbeknownst to its inhabitants. Petty crimes and moments of stolen intimacy, he sees everything. Until the day that an explosion lays waste to the Gare d'Austerlitz. The police starts tracking down an Al Queda satellite group. The hacker succeeds in finding images of the explosion and discovers that it was a young couple who planted the bomb. Using the city's cameras, he decides to hunt down the criminals.
Assistant Foley Artist
Sound Editor