Trudy Yee


Assistant Editor
1971年、若い夫婦と5人の娘のペロン一家は、ロードアイランド州ハリスヴィルの田舎にある、いささか古いが屋敷のように広い部屋を持つ一軒家を購入した。念願のマイホーム購入を喜ぶペロン一家であったが、入居した翌日から奇怪な現象が次々と発生するようになる。 ついに娘たちにもその危害が及ぶに至って、ペロン夫妻の妻キャロリンは、超常現象研究家夫妻として名高いウォーレン夫妻に助けを求める。夫のエドはカトリック教会が唯一公認した非聖職者の悪魔研究家であり、妻のロレインは透視能力を持っている。 ウォーレン夫妻の調査の結果、その一軒家には戦慄すべき血塗られた過去がある事が判明した。ウォーレン夫妻はペロン一家を救うべく尽力するが、霊力の強さと邪悪さはウォーレン夫妻の想像をはるかに超えるものであった。
First Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Four young women continue the journey toward adulthood that began with "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." Now three years later, these lifelong friends embark on separate paths for their first year of college and the summer beyond, but remain in touch by sharing their experiences with each other.
First Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Murder at 1600
Assistant Editor
A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Harlan Regis is in charge of the investigation. Despite resistance from the Secret Service, Regis partners with agent Nina Chance. As political tensions rise, they learn that the crime could be part of an elaborate cover-up. Framed as traitors, the pair, plus Regis' partner, break into the White House in order to expose the true culprit.
Deadly Whispers
Assistant Editor
Tom Acton: a strict but loving father whose only wish is for a safe, kind world for his family. His main worry: his l9·year old daughter, Kathy, a pretty and flirtatious girl who thinks nothing of having an affair with a married man. Even worse, she suspects that an old boyfriend is stalking her. Then one day, Kathy goes missing. Tom and his wife, Carol, are convinced that Kathy has been abducted and are devastated when the police find a body, shot to death and horribly mutilated. The Actons refuse to believe it could be Kathy, but as the police detective assigned to the case begins to dig deeper, he confronts Carol with a terrible possibility, that the truth behind the killing could lie very close to home.
Grumpy Old Men
Assistant Editor
For decades, next-door neighbors and former friends John and Max have feuded, trading insults and wicked pranks. When an attractive widow moves in nearby, their bad blood erupts into a high-stakes rivalry full of naughty jokes and adolescent hijinks.