The Sisters is an adaptation of the first short story in James Joyce's collected works, Dubliners. Set in 1915 Ireland, it tells the story of a young boy, who reflects upon his time with friend and mentor, Father Flynn, while coming to terms with the Priest's death. As he listens to the conversations of the adults around him and thinks back on his own time with the Father, the boy begins to come to a new understanding about his friend and possibly about himself, as he is confronted with questions of faith, loss and new beginnings.
An Uber driver gets word that his fiancé might be cheating on him on New Years Eve and proceeds to give nine different groups of people rides and they influence his decision on how he handles the situation.
High school grad. Conner Layne is about to marry his first love, but when wedding plans fail, he goes solo on his honeymoon to Central America, finding adventure with a ragtag group of foreigners who attempt to cross the Darien Gap in record time.