"Losing The West" is a documentary film that promotes small ranching and farming, as told through the eyes of a 70-year-old Native American cowboy. The film was shot primarily in Colorado. The director was born in Denver and owns a small ranch near Ridgway, Colorado.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Far from home in the lush bamboo forests of China, ten-year-old Ryan Tyler, with the help of a young girl, goes on a wonderful journey to rescue a baby panda taken by poachers.
Director of Photography
Carol Leifer stars as Rusty Berman, a 1950's burlesque queen with an outrageous, risque act.
Director of Photography
In this made for Showtime television spoof of Madonna's "Truth or Dare" documentary, comedienne Julie Brown portrays Medusa, an egocentric, hyper-sexual (and not particularly talented) pop star on an international five-day world tour, "The Blonde Leading the Blonde" show. Brown painstakingly duplicates costumes, sets and hairstyles while spoofing Madonna's seeming self-obsession. Madonna visits the cemetery where her mother is buried; Medusa visits the pet cemetery where her dog Buster is laid to rest. (Or is it "Boomer"?) Madonna performs fellatio on a bottle, at the dare of a friend; Medusa does it on a watermelon. And so on...
Second Unit Director of Photography
An aspiring teenage cartoonist and his friends come to the aid of a singer trying to save her family property from developers.