After her boyfriend leaves Korea to study in Japan, So-ra decides to do the same. When she finally arrives in Japan So-ra discovers that her boyfriend has already quit school and gone back to Korea. Sora is now enrolled in film school and remains in Japan. At first she struggles to adept to life in Japan. She then comes across an odd man named Matsumoto, who collects discarded glass bottles. Sora starts to document this man with her video camera and in the process learns more about herself. --http://asianwiki.com/This_Sunday
After her boyfriend leaves Korea to study in Japan, So-ra decides to do the same. When she finally arrives in Japan So-ra discovers that her boyfriend has already quit school and gone back to Korea. Sora is now enrolled in film school and remains in Japan. At first she struggles to adept to life in Japan. She then comes across an odd man named Matsumoto, who collects discarded glass bottles. Sora starts to document this man with her video camera and in the process learns more about herself. --http://asianwiki.com/This_Sunday
日本大学芸術学部放送学科を卒業したけんもち聡が製作した自主映画。都会を舞台に三人の若者の出会いを描く。 バイク便のライダーであるタカセは、イラストレーターのナナエの原画を出版社に届ける仕事を引き受けた。しかし時間になっても原画は完成せず、ナナエが描き終わったときにはすでに夜になっていた。仕事を終えたタカセは、大分出身の友人コウノを交えてナナエと三人で飲みに行き意気投合。ナナエとコウノがお互いを意識し始めるのだが、タカセもナナエのことが気になり…。