Arata Takase

Arata Takase

出生 : 1968-09-30,


Arata Takase


Kaede is fed up with routine chores at her workplace and the relationship with her boyfriend. Her mood brightens when Takuya, with whom she and her brother Ryuta were befriended in childhood, returns to her home town. After reuniting, the friends spend a great time together. But when Ryuta’s girlfriend Yuki gets pregnant, confessions are made that change their relationship.
A Bao A Qu
Hasegawa is writing a sequel to his previous novel, based on a true character who murdered 9 people on the street, with the premise that the killer had a brother. The main character in his new novel, Harumi, drops out of high school and leads a quiet life, unable to understand his brother. He is scared that the same blood runs in his veins but is also enraged by the fact that his brother’s life is consumed as material for novels by many writers. A novelist, Hasegawa faces limitations in making being able to make fiction as real and cruel as it is in reality. Hasegawa hears from a witness how a murder happened but he cannot be sure if it is a true event or from her imagination. One day, Hasegawa encounters Harumi… This is an obscure yet attractive film that extends its style from Kurosawa Kiyoshi to David Lynch. The title, A Bao A Qu, comes from a shapeless being that earns its shape as the pilgrim of a true heart near him featured in Indian religion and The Arabian Nights.
Tokyo Zombie
Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.
孕み-HARAMI- 白い恐怖
Ko Kato
日本大学芸術学部放送学科を卒業したけんもち聡が製作した自主映画。都会を舞台に三人の若者の出会いを描く。  バイク便のライダーであるタカセは、イラストレーターのナナエの原画を出版社に届ける仕事を引き受けた。しかし時間になっても原画は完成せず、ナナエが描き終わったときにはすでに夜になっていた。仕事を終えたタカセは、大分出身の友人コウノを交えてナナエと三人で飲みに行き意気投合。ナナエとコウノがお互いを意識し始めるのだが、タカセもナナエのことが気になり…。