Jade-Eleena Dregorius

Jade-Eleena Dregorius


Jade-Eleena Dregorius


Following the death of her estranged father, Iris learns she has inherited a run-down, centuries-old pub. She travels to Berlin to identify her father’s body and meet with The Solicitor to discuss the estate. Little does she know, when the deed is signed she will become inextricably tied to an unspeakable entity that resides in the pub’s basement – Baghead – a shape-shifting creature that can transform into the dead.
ドミニクはレティと息子ブライアンの3人で静かに暮らしていたが、彼らの前に未だかつてないほどの破壊的な敵が現れる。ダンテは昔ドミニクたちがブラジルで倒した麻薬王レイエスの息子であり、家族も未来も奪われた代償を払わせるため、復讐の炎を10年間燃やし続けていたのだった。ダンテの陰謀により散り散りに仲を引き裂かれる"ファミリー"たち。そしてドミニクが愛する全ての者を奪おうとするダンテが最後に向けた矛先は... 果たしてファミリーの運命は!?
Stunt Double
Tonia Roche
Jake Thompson rather likes to dream than live his real life. When his fantasy doesn't fulfill him anymore he has to find a new way to be happy again. Will he be able to realize his aim?
Having failed to get into the police force, Margarete takes up training as a security guard. One night she runs into a sexually agressive ex-colleague who insists on hailing a taxi to take her home to his place. Enter Tiger: short brown hair, a tough girl and a fighter, the cab driver. Realising that the situation is far from consensual, Tiger speeds off with Margarete, leaving her companion standing in the street. It won’t be the last time she rushes to Margarete’s aid. Tiger lives in an attic flat with two men. She knows how to wield a baseball bat. Stealing a uniform from security and renaming Margarete ‘Vanilla’, she begins to steer her life in a completely different direction.
Having failed to get into the police force, Margarete takes up training as a security guard. One night she runs into a sexually agressive ex-colleague who insists on hailing a taxi to take her home to his place. Enter Tiger: short brown hair, a tough girl and a fighter, the cab driver. Realising that the situation is far from consensual, Tiger speeds off with Margarete, leaving her companion standing in the street. It won’t be the last time she rushes to Margarete’s aid. Tiger lives in an attic flat with two men. She knows how to wield a baseball bat. Stealing a uniform from security and renaming Margarete ‘Vanilla’, she begins to steer her life in a completely different direction.