Robyn Gelka


Criminal Intent
Third Assistant Director
Devon Major thought that his share of difficulties were over. Having gone through a difficult divorce with his wife he was now on the way to rebuilding his life when tragedy strikes leaving him in a fight for his freedom and his innocence. Devons' beautiful ex-wife is found viciously murdered, and all evidence points to Devon. In desperation Devon turns to Susan Grace the lawyer who represented his ex-wife during their divorce. Although initially reluctant and unconvinced of Devon's innocence Susan finds herself agreeing to take on the case and finds that the path to justice can often lead to betrayal, deception and murder.
Person of the Night
This version of "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha" brings the ancient tale to modern day but all the old familiar names are there. As in Cervantes's tale, Don Quixote is persistent in his belief in chivalry and honor. He clings to the old ways and is reluctant to give way to modern behaviors. He sees things in a different way, the smoke stack of a factory is a beast to be conquered, his bicycle is his trusty steed and the hapless man stranded by a transit strike who tries to help suddenly finds himself to be the sidekick to the deluded Quixote.
Third Assistant Director
春休みの間に、若者のグループがレイブに参加する島に旅行します。 神秘的な島は「死の島」と呼ばれ、何世紀も前、伝説にはそれがあり、魔術師は死をごまかすためにエリキシルを試しました。 島に着くと、若者たちは魔法使いがまだ生きていて、彼が手に落ちる人間を食べていることを発見します。 島に閉じ込められた今、彼らは邪悪な魔法使いの影響下にある殺人ゾンビの大群と戦うために彼らが利用できるあらゆる武器を使用しなければなりません。