Zinzan's Jockey
A haunting ghost story set against the backdrop of a busy winter sales period in a department store, following the life of a cursed dress as it passes from person to person, with devastating consequences.
Disc Jockey
A haunting ghost story set against the backdrop of a busy winter sales period in a department store, following the life of a cursed dress as it passes from person to person, with devastating consequences.
In the 1970s, a British sound technician is brought to Italy to work on the sound effects for a gruesome horror film. His nightmarish task slowly takes over his psyche, driving him to confront his own past.
Maria is a dancer who becomes pregnant, unexpectedly, and has to decide whether or not to keep the baby. When her live-in boyfriend, who is not the father, admits to cheating on her, she kicks him out. Still unable to decide what to do, she imagines a dialogue with the fetus.
Italian Minister
世界は冷戦真っ只中。ジェームズ・ボンドの007復帰トレーニングから物語は始まる。マティーニとフォアグラ、キャビアで怠惰になった身体を鍛えなおすことを新着したMに命令された007。たまたま本部から斡旋されたロンドン郊外の治療施設でボンドはスペクターの女殺し屋ファティマ、そしてアメリカ空軍に所属するジャックの秘密特訓を目撃する。そしてその数日後、ジャックは米空軍より核弾頭搭載巡航ミサイルを2機盗むことに成功する。 この事件を追うボンドは地中海へ向かい、世界的な大富豪のラルゴをマークする。世界の海を豪華クルーザー「空飛ぶ円盤号」(クルーザー全長87m、アドナン・カショーギ所有)で移動しながら慈善活動を行なうビジネスマンだが、裏の顔は秘密結社スペクターのNo.1(スペクターNo.2=首領は白猫を抱くブロフェルド)であった。そして彼のそばにはジャックの妹であるドミノがいた。
Charlie Tully and womanising Reggie Peek con two rich Italians out of £500,000 but during their flight out Charlie is arrested for coning an American and a dog. Reggie stores the money in a Swiss Bank and after Charlie is released is about to tell him which Bank when he is killed by Sid Sabbath's gang whose girlfriend Reggie had an affair with. The only lead is four tattoos that is on the girls Reggie had affairs with while Charlie was in jail. But Sabbath is on Charlie's trail to kill him and the Italians contract the mob - to find the money and then kill him.....