Guido Spizzico


The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.
Gli anni belli
Summer 1994. Berlusconi has come into power and 16-year-old Elena, listening to Nirvana and starting to develop a political consciousness, can't wait to bring him down. Unfortunately her parents have other plans and, like every year, they head to the same boring summer camp. This year however they're all in for a surprise... A lighthearted coming-of-age set against the backdrop of an Italy facing the "end of history."
Nikola Tesla - the Man from the Future
New York, May 16, 1888. Visionary Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla is about to introduce an innovative AC asynchronous motor. Before the demonstration, wealthy businessman George Westinghouse meets Tesla privately to get him to sell him his patent and go into business with him. Tesla declines the offer but during the demonstration something happens that will change the world forever.
27th March 2020
Sound Recordist
27th March 2020: a man seeks a remedy for the gloomy and unnerving loneliness of the lockdown.
Sound Mixer
Boom Operator
日本未公開。 作家のポールは、愛する妻が4年前に彼のもとを去ってから、書くことができなくなっていた。ある日、魅力的な不動産屋のローラと行きつけのダイナーで待ち合わせをしていた彼は、そこで男と口論になってしまい、ジャックという名の男に助けられる。礼としてポールは寝床のない彼を家に泊めることにした。素性の分からない男との生活が続くなか、状況が一変。ジャックはポールを人質にとり「2人の物語を書け」と脅迫する。ジャックは一体、何者なのか?そして、窮地に立たされたポールの予想だにしない真実が明かされることになるが…。
Al posto tuo
Two very different men have something in common: the work. When their companies are bought by a bigger one, who will take the only place of boss of the new company?
Italian Gangsters
A journey inside the most sensational exploits of the forgotten post–WWII Italian underworld. Thirty years of crime told through first-hand accounts, reenactments, old movies, news and other archive footage—painting the portrait of a country undergoing major social changes.
Sound Mixer
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.