Inan's Drone
John Brock is a down-on-his-luck archaeologist who returns from an expedition to the caves of rural Kentucky after unsuccessfully trying to locate a mysterious relic that his family has sought for generations. Upon his return, John starts to see dream-like visions of a ferocious bird-like creature from ancient folklore. John soon learns that the cave he came into contact with on his last expedition was indeed the cave that contains the relic and also a portal to Hell and a place of worship for the Occult. John discovers that the only way to stop the increasingly realistic visions is to go back to the cave with his family, find the relic once and for all, and destroy it.
若くして結婚したエイミーは、家庭では2人の子どもや頼りない夫の世話に追われ、職場ではやる気のない上司や同僚たちのフォローに奔走し、さらに学校のPTAママたちからは嫌味を言われ、ストレスに満ちた生活を送っていた。 ある日、夫がネット上で浮気していることを知った彼女は、ついに大爆発。夫を追い出して育児も仕事も放棄し、意気投合した悪友ママたちとつるんで自分の人生を楽しみはじめる。 そんな中、横暴なPTA会長グウェンドリンと対立したエイミーは、自ら次期PTA会長に立候補する。