D. Danny Warhol

D. Danny Warhol

出生 : 1971-12-13, Chicago, Illinois, USA


D. Danny Warhol


Football Player #65 (uncredited)
Mary X-Mas Supa Fest Dancer (uncredited)
Grocery store clerk Simon occasionally sells drugs from his cash register at work, so when soap opera actors Adam and Zack come looking for Ecstasy on a quiet Christmas Eve, they are surprised to find Ronna covering his shift. Desperate for money, Ronna decides to become an impromptu drug dealer, unaware that Adam and Zack are secretly working for obsessed narcotics officer Burke.
The New Age
Telemarketer (uncredited)
Peter and Katherine Witner are Southern California super-yuppies with great jobs but no center to their lives. When they both lose their jobs and begin marital infidelities, their solution is to start their own business together. In order to find meaning to their empty lives, they follow various New Age gurus and other such groups. Eventually, they hit rock bottom and have to make some hard decisions.
Pizza Boy
クリスマス休暇をパリで過ごそうと計画する、ある家族の親戚を含む15人。無事出発したと思った矢先、ママは飛行機の中で重大な忘れ物に気付く。なんと8歳の息子ケビンを家に置き忘れてしまったのだ! こうして、ケビンはひとりぼっちで夜を過ごすことになるが、さらにその夜、空巣狙いの泥棒2人組が家に忍び込む。それに気付いたケビンは自分が家を守らなくちゃと、2人組相手にたったひとりで奇想天外な撃退作戦を展開する。
Station Commuter (uncredited)
賞金稼ぎのジャックは、報奨金付きの指名手配の男をN.Y.で逮捕することに成功。意気揚々とL.A.行きの飛行機に乗り込んだまではよかったが?! マーティン・ブレスト監督がロバート・デ・ニーロを主演に迎え制作した痛快ロード・ムーヴィ。
Night of Courage
Young basketball player
A young man is beaten to death. Now it's believed that he sought out sanctuary in the house of a man (Hughes), and that the man threw him out. And it's also believed that the boy being Hispanic was probably part of a gang and that the whole thing was gang related, so the police don't consider any need to investigate the incident. But a teacher (Kelly) doesn't believe this, and sets out to find out what happened that night by talking to the man, but he doesn't want to talk about it.