Vincent Donohue


Adventures in Oz with Cheryl
Our adventure begins as Dorothy is caught in a cyclone and lands in Oz where she meets the Lizard of Oz, a librarian and nutritional expert, who tells her of the evil spell cast over the land that has made everyone lazy. With the help of the talking magic silver exercise shoes, Archie and Lefty, Dorothy sets off on a mission down the Yellow Brick Road determined to bring fun and fitness back to the Land of Oz. Along the journey, kids at home are invited to dance-and-sing-and-play along while stretching out with the Scarecrow, performing calisthenics with the TinKid, and even trying pushups with the Lion! Some of the important values and lessons that kids also learn from our friends from Oz include: cleaning up your room, personal hygiene, healthy eating habits, making friends and teamwork.
Rigging Gaffer
Chief Lighting Technician
クリスマス休暇をパリで過ごそうと計画する、ある家族の親戚を含む15人。無事出発したと思った矢先、ママは飛行機の中で重大な忘れ物に気付く。なんと8歳の息子ケビンを家に置き忘れてしまったのだ! こうして、ケビンはひとりぼっちで夜を過ごすことになるが、さらにその夜、空巣狙いの泥棒2人組が家に忍び込む。それに気付いたケビンは自分が家を守らなくちゃと、2人組相手にたったひとりで奇想天外な撃退作戦を展開する。