Costume Design
The story follows a young girl named JoJo whose life is turned upside down when her beloved dance coach decides to retire and is replaced by a sparkle-hating instructor named Poppy. Wanting to stay in the running for an upcoming dance competition, JoJo and her best friends, The Rubies, must try their hardest to abide by Poppy’s new, harsh rules. Realizing she cannot hide her sparkle or bow anymore, JoJo is kicked out of her dance troupe and must rediscover what dancing means to her.
Costume Design
Dr. Sharon Hayes searches for a beloved family heirloom in a small Christmas town. When she unexpectedly discovers an adorable little girl and her disheartened father, she realizes that Christmas miracles really do happen.
Costume Design
Contestants on the popular reality dating TV show "The One" try to determine if they're fated to be together. Meanwhile, sparks fly between the female contestant and the handsome ranch owner who acts as their guide.
Costume Design
This all-female horror anthology features four dark tales from four fiercely talented women.
Assistant Costume Designer
Costume Set Supervisor
Costume Set Supervisor
Costume Supervisor
A detective uncovers a sinister conspiracy when he is sent to research a disintegrating neighborhood for a public relations campaign.
Costume Supervisor
Detective Win Garano is asked to reopen a twenty-year-old murder case, and soon finds himself endangered by the political ambitions of a district attorney.