Alessia Giuliani

Alessia Giuliani


Alessia Giuliani
Alessia Giuliani


Io e Spotty
Dr. Casani
Perennial university student Eva, who's still having difficulties at adjusting to big city life, takes up a job as dog sitter. After visiting its owner, she finds out the dog—Spotty—is actually Matteo, an introverted young man who copes with modern life by dressing up as a giant puppy. Although initially taken aback by Spotty's true nature, Eva still accepts the job. Over the weeks, something unlikely begins to blossom between the two of them.
Elisa Del Monte
The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.
La policière
「息子の部屋」でカンヌ国際映画祭パルムドール、「親愛なる日記」で同監督賞を受賞しているイタリアの名匠ナンニ・モレッティが、同じアパートに住む3つの家族の素顔が、ひとつの事故をきっかけに次第に露わになっていく様子をスリリングに描いた人間ドラマ。 ローマの高級住宅地にあるアパートに暮らす、3つの家族。それぞれが顔見知り程度で、各家庭の扉の向こう側にある本当の顔は知らない。ある夜、3階に住むジョバンニとドーラの裁判官夫婦の息子アンドレアの運転する車が建物に衝突し、ひとりの女性が亡くなる。同じ夜、2階に住む妊婦のモニカは陣痛が始まり、夫が出張中のためひとりで病院に向かう。1階のルーチョとサラの夫婦は、仕事場で起こったトラブルのため娘を朝まで向かいの老夫婦に預けるが、認知症の老夫と娘が一緒に行方不明になってしまう。 イスラエルの作家エシュコル・ネボの「Three floors up」が原作で、デビュー以来オリジナル作品を手がけてきたモレッティ監督にとっては初の原作ものとなった。出演はマルゲリータ・ブイ、リッカルド・スカマルチョ、アルバ・ロルバケルら。
A 22 year-old Bangladeshi-Italian Muslim boy meets a beautiful, exciting Italian girl who makes him re-analyze his beliefs and culture.
Riko is an honest man, who can count on a group of real friends and a wife who, between highs and lows, he loves forever. But he is also a very angry man with his time, which seems to be punctuated only by backlashes and false starts.
Un marito di troppo
Sono un pirata, sono un signore
Diaz - Don't Clean Up This Blood
Simplicia Spregiotti
On July 19–21, 2001, over 200,000 people took to the streets of Genoa to protest against the ongoing G8 summit. Anti-globalization activists clashed with the police, with 23-year-old protester Carlo Giuliani shot dead after confronting a police vehicle. In the aftermath, the police organized a night raid on the Diaz high school, where a hundred unarmed people between protesters—mostly students—and independent reporters who documented the police brutality during the protests had took shelter. What happened next would be called by Amnesty International "the most serious breach of civil liberties in a democratic Western country since World War II."
Ultima Pallottola
Based on the case of the serial killer Donato Bilancia, who murdered 17 people between 1998 and 2000 in Genova.
Il testimone
Italian thriller
You Laugh
Two segments: In the first one Felice, a baritone who has had to give up his career because of a heart condition and now works as an accountant at the Opera, inexplicably spends his nights laughing in his sleep. When his best friend, a cripple, takes his life and his wife abandons him Felice decides to die himself. In the second segment two kidnappings in Sicily, the second of which took place a century before the present one, are compared.
Veronica, after a long trial and two years in prison for the alleged murder of her mother and her lover, is found innocent. She is only twenty years old, but it is difficult to look ahead...