Jordan Poole

Jordan Poole

出生 : , Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Jordan Poole


「感謝祭(=サンクスギビング)」発祥の地とされるアメリカ・マサチューセッツの田舎町。感謝祭とは、家族や愛する人々と共に日々の収穫や恩恵に感謝し祝福する、一年でもっとも盛大な祝祭。ハッピーなお祭りムードを楽しんでいた人々だったが、突如として現れた清教徒<ピルグリム・ファーザーズ>の指導者ジョン・カーヴァーのお面に身を隠した連続殺人鬼によって、町は恐怖のどん底へと突き落される。残虐なやり口で殺人鬼の犠牲になった人々は何者かによって謎のインスタグラムの投稿にタグ付けされていた。感謝祭のおしゃれな食卓が映る投稿には、意味深に配された住民たちの名札が! なぜ彼らは狙われるのか──。饗宴が狂宴と化し、一夜が永遠のトラウマとなる史上最悪の感謝祭<サンクスギビング>が始まる!
Kids vs. Aliens
Drunken Teenager
All Gary wants is to make awesome home movies with his best buds. All his older sister Samantha wants is to hang with the cool kids. When their parents head out of town one Halloween weekend, an all-time rager of a teen house party turns to terror when aliens attack, forcing the siblings to band together to survive the night.
Link and his brother flee their abusive father and embark on a journey where Link discovers his sexuality and rediscovers his Mi’kmaw heritage.
Two scientists raise three children contrarily to their genetic tendencies in order to prove the ultimate power of nurture over nature.
You Ruined Our Life
Bob Tearman (Bob Mann) is 42 with a bullet. No wife, no kids. Zero accomplishments. His life has not turned out the way he thought it would. So much so, that's he's seriously wondering if he should even carry on living. And then one morning, through some kind of magic he doesn't understand, he finds the 12 year-old version of himself, Bobby (Jordan Poole) asleep in his apartment. When Bobby sees how badly their life has turned out he is determined to put things right. His plan to do this involves going after the bullies from junior high, now adults like Bob, and...wait for it...killing them. As things spiral out of control, Bob has his hands full, first with Bobby's crazy dreams of revenge and later the bullies themselves when the dreams become reality. At that point, to quote Bad Boys 2, the **** gets real.
Moving Day
Clyde was in a rut. Overworked and underpaid, he was struggling to make ends meet and starting to feel like a failure. But a new day has arrived for Clyde at Redmond's Furniture and with the help of a few of his ex-con, womanizing and boozing co-workers, Clyde is ready to take on his neurotic boss and whatever else stands in his way.