Crystal Pa


Costume Design
The Best Plan Is No Plan
Costume Design
Television scriptwriter Hung is the boyfriend of TV host Rose , a domineering woman who talks on the phone with somebody else while having sex with him. Sean has a physique that gets him likened to Kung Fu Panda and the Hamburglar, and is generally a loser in the game of love. Then there's Shing, a lothario who attracts more than his fair share of women, but whose heart is set on an unattainable woman with a past in the form of nightclub hostess Miss Poon. The three men meet at the funeral of Wong Chun-chun, a woman all of them have been involved with at different points in her life. Various assorted incidents lead to their becoming friends who can be called upon to help sort out each other's increasingly complex relationship woes.
PUSH 光と闇の能力者
Wardrobe Assistant
政府に特殊能力者として開発された人間と、彼らの能力を利用したい当局との攻防を描くSFサイキック・アクション。『ラッキーナンバー7』の俊英ポール・マクギガンが、第二次世界大戦時に実際に育成されていたという超能力スパイの逸話を基に映画化。主演は、『ファンタスティック・フォー [超能力ユニット]』のクリス・エヴァンスと『宇宙戦争』のダコタ・ファニング。葛藤(かっとう)する能力者の姿や、スタイリッシュなアクションに注目。