Jeremy Kahn


Remembering His Touch
A grieving lover searches for answers beyond the beaches of New York, two betrayed strangers find comfort in their shared pain, and a teenage friendship stirs up hidden feelings, pushing the boundaries of their relationship. Discover 5 stories that question the fate of lost love and the longing for answers. When you fight to hold on to the past, is it ever truly worth it?
Love is Love is Love
Robert (segment "Late Lunch")
Three sto­ries that explore love, com­mit­ment, and loy­al­ty between cou­ples and friends. "Two for Din­ner" where a mar­ried cou­ple tem­porar­i­ly liv­ing in two dif­fer­ent loca­tions are more sep­a­rat­ed than they think. "Sail­ing Les­son" about a long-mar­ried cou­ple who spend a day on a sail­boat rekin­dling their romance… and unex­pect­ed events arise. "Late Lunch" where a young woman who recent­ly lost her moth­er gath­ers togeth­er a group of her moth­er’s friends to share mem­o­ries, with sur­pris­ing rev­e­la­tions.
This scalpel-sharp dark comedy explores how we cope with trauma and the tales we tell each other to escape. In the dog-eat-dog office of a New York magazine, twentysomethings Ani, Dean, and Kendra compete for a book deal to kickstart their careers. But after tragedy strikes, which one of them will write the story?
When a cosmic event turns Emma's dog and cat into two perfect guys, Emma reconsiders her outlook on dating, hilariously works out her trust issues, and ultimately learns to love herself.