Kazue Udagawa


和男 は、会社の同僚であるアキに想いを寄せている。そんなデートの最中、二人は突然何者かに襲われ見知らぬ地下室で目を覚ました。手足は拘束され、口には猿ぐつわ。完璧なる監禁、事態を飲み込むことができるハズもなく、ただただ恐怖におびえる二人の前に、医師の免許を持つ謎の男が現れた。「きみたち二人の愛に感動できれば解放するよ」と男は話す…。男は、二人に恥辱の限りを尽くし、そして命の限りの虐待を施す。それも彼らの愛情で感動を得る為だという。その地下室から、完璧なる監禁から彼らは脱出することができるのだろうか…。衝撃の結末が2人の行く末を阻む。
Executive Producer
Akira Tachibana who work at Kinoshita foundry can not love other people because of the trauma he suffered by being molested by his manager Kinoshita, who have both been like a father to Akira since he was little. Akira has lived a meaningless life. One day, when Akira driving his motorcycle, he meets a woman dressed in a red dress in a tunnel. He takes back the unconscious woman to his apartment and takes care of her, but when she wakes up, she walks away from his place without a word. This is the moment Akira meets Kaori Yamamoto.
ALLDAYS 二丁目の朝日
The movie's title is a play on the popular Always - Sunset on Third Street films and also deals with circumstances 1950's Tokyo, but focuses on the homosexual district of Shinjuku ni-chome.