Park Beom-su


Post Production Supervisor
The Hospice
Post Production Supervisor
At the hospice, the average remaining time for patients is 21 days. These patients prepare for their deaths. Park Soo-Myeong is 40 something year old man who is also a husband and father. Kim Jung-Ja is a mother of two sons. Park Jin-Woo was a math teacher. Shin Chang-Yeol lived a lonely life.
Post Production Supervisor
ソウルの大学で不祥事に巻き込まれ、片田舎の講師として赴任してきた教授ハッキュ (チョン・ウソン)は、退屈な毎日に辟易していた少女ドク(イ・ソム)と、 激しい愛に溺れる。しかし、ハッキュは復職することになり、ドクに手切れ金を渡して別れよとする。時を同じくし、ハッキュのうつ病の妻は、娘の前で自殺してしまう― 8年後、ハッキュは作家として名声を浴び放蕩な日々を送っていたが、高校生になった娘のチョン(パク・ソヨン)は母親の自殺が父親のせいだと思い憎しみを抱いていた。ハッキュは病気で徐々に視力を失って行く。全てを失いかけたハッキュの前に現れた女セジョン。目がほとんど見えないハッキュはセジョンがドクだとは気づかず依存していく。ドクなしでは何もできなくなってしまったハッキュ、そして二人の関係に気づき嫉妬をするチョン。三人の危険な関係の中、ついに全てを手中に収めたドクは、ハッキュを破滅に導くが…
Mad Sad Bad
Post Production Supervisor
Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omnibus film. It's a 3D vision of terrible realities never far from popular culture today. The stages of its episodes are different with one another. Tragedies and fantasies unfold in the city, the woods, and the future. The 3D technique is used in scenes where the characters have fancies to get over suffering in reality. It's interesting to watch 3D scenes directed by representative directors of Korea, and it's noteworthy in terms of industry that this try displays the possibilities and realities of 3D film in Korea, as well. It's the new vision of KAFA's project, KAFA+
Post Production Supervisor
容疑者X 天才数学者のアリバイ
Post Production Supervisor
Post Production Supervisor
Little Black Dress depicts the friendships, jealousies, hopes and failures of four 24-year-old girls. The girls first met as first year students in college. They seem to be enjoying their 20's, but inside they all have worries.