Set Dresser
Set Dresser
When Zoe tires of looking for Mr. Right, she decides to have a baby on her own. But on the day she's artificially inseminated, she meets Stan, who seems to be just who she's been searching for all her life. Now, Zoe has to figure out how to make her two life's dreams fit with each other.
Set Dresser
Is there room for principle in Los Angeles? Mike Terry teaches jujitsu and barely makes ends meet. His Brazilian wife, whose family promotes fights, wants to see Mike in the ring making money, but to him competition is degrading. A woman sideswipes Mike's car and then, after an odd sequence of events, shoots out the studio's window. Later that evening, Mike rescues an action movie star in a fistfight at a bar. In return, the actor befriends Mike, gives him a gift, offers him work on his newest film, and introduces Mike's wife to his own - the women initiate business dealings. Then, things go sour all at once, Mike's debts mount, and going into the ring may be his only option.
Set Dressing Artist
“A FREEZE IS COMING!” すべてを氷づけにしようとする怪人Mr.フリーズがゴッサム・シティーに出現。事もあろうに、誘惑フェロモンと猛毒キスを武器にするポイズン・アイビーと手を組んだ! 対するバットマンも、ロビンとバットガールという味方を得て迎え撃つが!3代目バットマンに選ばれたジョージ・クルーニー、初登場のバットガールにアリシア・シルヴァーストーン、注目の悪役にはアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーら、豪華スターが共演。機能性がアップしたバットモービルや、より奇抜さを増したゴッサム・シティーなど、本シリーズならではの斬新なデザインも充実。
Set Dresser
In the last days of 1999, ex-cop turned street hustler Lenny Nero receives a disc which contains the memories of the murder of a prostitute. With the help of bodyguard Mace, he starts to investigate and is pulled deeper and deeper in a whirl of murder, blackmail and intrigue. Can the pair live to see the new millennium?
Set Dresser