The story is set in a village in the southern Japanese prefecture of Kōchi during World War II. Even in this remote mountainous area, the perception of American and British people as "brutes" has taken root, due to the deaths and injuries among the villagers' relatives. A elementary schoolgirl named Eiko transfers from the city of Yokohama to this village. Eiko happens to have blue eyes from her American father, and her classmates make no attempt to rein in their bullying. Other than Eiko's homeroom teacher Akiko, even the teachers view Eiko the same way that the children do. However, a boy named Kenta views Eiko more with curiosity than with hostility. The children's lives change as the injured father of one of Kenta's classmates returns from the battlefield and news of more casualties arrives in the village.
War drama based on a short story by Akiyuki Nosaka.
The third film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa"
The second film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa".
The first film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa"
The Oishinbo gang takes time off from the normal culinary wars to get involved with a political dispute about American rice imports. The economic conflict between a pushy US Senator from California and a nationalistic Japanese politician is further complicated by concerns about the cumulative effect of pesticide use in both American and Japanese agriculture.
Culinary journalists Shirou Yamaoka and Yuuko Kurita must prepare the menu that will represent the Touzai Newspaper on an upcoming competition against the Teito Newspaper. The theme: food that promotes longevity. For a better research, both journalists head to Okinawa, place with the highest life expectancy in Japan.
藤子不二雄A原作のTVアニメ『ウルトラB』の劇場版で、3Dアニメ作品 。宇宙から来た謎の赤ん坊ウルトラBは、小学生のミチオくんの一家と同居している。だがある日、宇宙からもう一人の超能力ベビーのブラックベビー「B.B」が出現。漆黒の姿のB.Bは同じ超能力ベビーであるウルトラBに接触し、地球征服の構想を持ちかける。だがウルトラBがこの提案を拒否したため、怒ったB.Bはミチオの友人キリコちゃんを誘拐。さらに地球上の赤ん坊たちを怪念波で操った「赤ちゃん軍団」を組織する。強大な敵に対し、ウルトラBとミチオたちは反撃を試みるが!? 先に公開された『オバケのQ太郎』劇場用二部作に続く3Dアニメ映画。劇場で観客に配布される立体メガネは、ウルトラBが着用するサングラスと同じ形状をしていた。